Page 21 - amablack final_Neat
P. 21


         ⇒  ENGLISH NAME;velvet raisin

         ⇒  SCIENTIFIC NAME;Grewia flava

         ⇒  DISCRIPTION; This is a multi-stemmed shrub.
            It has greyish green leaves. The species flow-

            ers in October. Has a spreading crown. The
            fruit is  usually two-lobed. It is resistant to

            drought. Grows up to 2m in height.

         ⇒  USES; Eaten fresh or dried. Dried fruit can be
            ground and made into porridge. The fruit is

            also used to make Branches of G. flava are
            used to make baskets; very thin branches are
            used to make brooms. The inner bark is used to weave basketslocal beer.

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