Page 16 - amablack final_Neat
P. 16
⇒ ENGLISH NAME;Buffalo thorn
⇒ SCIENTIFIC NAME;Ziziphus mucronata
⇒ DISCRIPTION;This is a shrub to a medium-
sized tree. Young branches bend at the
nodes, giving them a zigzag appearance.
The leaves are shiny green. Paired thorns
are present at the base of the leaf stalk;
one is curved while the other is straight.
The species flowers in October/
November. The fruit is round, berry-like,
shiny reddish to yellowish brown.
⇒ USES;The roots are commonly used as a
pain-killer. Pastes of the root and leaves
can be applied to treat boils and swollen
glands. The leaves are an important
source of fodder for stock, and all
browsers feed on the Tree. The elasticity of the wood makes it suitable for
bows and, especially, hammer handles. Ox yokes are cut from larger trees,
while saplings and coppice shoots make whip sticks.
As with most fruits, a beer can be made if fruit is al-
lowed to ferment. The tree is a good indicator of the
presence of underground water.