Page 20 - amablack final_Neat
P. 20


         ⇒  ENGLISH NAME;False brandybush

         ⇒  SCIENTIFIC NAME;Grewia bicolor

         ⇒  DISCRIPTION;This is mostly a multi-stemmed
            shrub. The bark is dark grey, deeply fis-

            sured, and peels away in old specimens.
            Leaves are a dark, dull green above and

            almost silvery-white below (hence bi-
            color). The fruit is a drupe, one or two

            lobed, reddish brown to purple black.

         ⇒  USES; Although slightly sour, the fruit is

            eaten by humans when ripe or is dried for
            later use. It is also one of the ingredients for making traditional khadi brew. Fi-
            bre obtained from the inner bark is used for making ropes and baskets.

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