Page 204 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 204



           Table 3.5.5 Promotions by salary band for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

             Salary Band                                         Employees 1       Promotions to   Salary bands promotions  Progressions to another  Notch progression as
                                                                  April 2020     another salary level  as a % of employees by   notch within a salary   a % of employees by
                                                                                                       salary level        level          salary bands
            02 Skilled (Levels 3-5), Permanent                       69                  0                  0                 36              52.20
            03 Highly Skilled Production (Levels 6-8), Permanent     261                 0                  0                162              62.10
            04 Highly Skilled Supervision (Levels 9-12), Permanent    243                4                 1.60              154              63.40
            05 Senior Management (Levels >= 13), Permanent           88                  2                 2.30               62              70.50
            09 Other, Permanent                                       6                  0                  0                 0                 0
            10 Contract (Levels 1-2), Permanent                       1                  0                  0                 0                 0
            11 Contract (Levels 3-5), Permanent                      30                  0                  0                 12               40
            12 Contract (Levels 6-8), Permanent                      24                  1                 4.20               11              45.80
            13 Contract (Levels 9-12), Permanent                     25                  0                  0                 8                32
            14 Contract (Levels >= 13), Permanent                    15                  0                  0                 4               26.70
            Total                                                    762                 7                 0.90              449              58.90
           3.6: Employment Equity

           Table 3.6.1 Total number of employees (including employees with disabilities) in each of the following occupational categories as of 31 March 2021
                                                                                               Male                               Female             Total

             Occupational band                                                  African        Coloured      Indian         White      African     Coloured    Indian    White
             Legislators, senior officials and managers                           37          2        3        4      36       3       3       5      93
             Professionals                                                       72          1        0        1      152      7       2       9     244
             Technicians and associate professionals                             33          0        1       4       59       3       1       2     103
             Clerks                                                              82          0        2        2      173      4       2       8     273
             Service and sales workers                                            7          0        0        0       8       0       0       0      15
             Plant and machine operators and assemblers                           1          0        0        0       0       0       0       0      1
             Craft and related trades workers                                     7          0        0        0       9       0       0       0      16
             Total                                                               239         3        6       11      437      17      8      24     745
             Employees with disabilities                                          4         0        0        1        7      0       0      0        12

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