Page 208 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 208



          Table 3.6.6 Disciplinary action for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

                                                                                              Male                               Female             Total
           Disciplinary action                                                African        Coloured      Indian         White      African     Coloured    Indian    White
           Insolent Behaviour (written warning & final written warning)           3        1         0       0        3        0      0      0          7
           Assault (Counselling)                                                 0        0         0       0        0        0      0      0          0
           Absenteeism (withdrawn)                                               0        0         0       0        0        0      0      0          0
           Maladministration (in Progress)                                       0        0         0       0        0        0      0      0          0
           Misuse of Government vehicle (Final written warning)                  0        0         0       0        0        0      0      0          1
           TOTAL                                                                  3       1         0       0        3        0      0      0          7

          Table 3.6.7 Skills development for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
                                                                                              Male                               Female             Total
           Occupational category                                              African        Coloured      Indian         White      African     Coloured    Indian    White

           Legislators, senior officials and managers                             13        0        1       2         6       1       2     2         26
           Professionals                                                         20        1        1       1        37       1      1      3         66
           Technicians and associate professionals                               27        0        1       1        41       2      1      0         73
           Clerks                                                                12        0        0       0        12       0             0         24
           Service and sales workers                                              0        0        0       0        0        0      0      0         0
           Skilled agriculture and fishery workers                                 0        0        0       0        0        0      0      0         0
           Craft and related trades workers                                       0        0        0       0        0        0      0      0         0
           Plant and machine operators and assemblers                             0        0        0       0        0        0      0      0         0
           Elementary occupations                                                 0        0        0       0        1        0      0      0         1
           Total                                                                 72        1        3       4        97       4      4      5        190
           Employees with disabilities                                            2        0        0       0        0        0      0      0         2

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