Page 19 - R2P Front Desk Manual v1
P. 19
Scheduling Telehealth Consultations
R2P previously offered free 30-minute consultation visits in the clinic during regular office hours
as appointments on the schedule. Effective 6/29/19, all consultations will take place via
Telehealth with Josh on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
If a patient calls looking to schedule a consult:
1. Inform them that the owner, Josh, schedules the Telehealth consults.
2. Create a New Patient chart in WebPT per standard protocol. The clinic is unable to
provide a consult if we do not have their information in a chart.
3. Provide Josh with all of the patient’s contact information and he will reach out to
schedule their consultation.
NO LONGER EFFECTIVE AS OF 6/29/19: All free consultation visits will be 30 minutes in length. There will be no
manual or hands-on therapy provided during these appointments. PTs may provide simple home exercises with the
recommendation of scheduling a one-hour initial evaluation.
For any and all free consultation visits, the following procedures will occur:
1. Before scheduling, please clarify that the patient has a “consult” card from an event or has directly been
asked by a PT to come in for this type of visit. We must be sure that the patient is not using the word consult
as opposed to evaluation and understands the nature of the visit.
2. Front desk will create a chart with basic patient information only - save this chart strictly for later use if the
patient schedules an evaluation
3. When adding the appointment to the schedule, do not attach the patient’s chart to the appointment. Instead,
input the following information directly on the schedule for a 30 minute appointment:
a. “What”: type patient’s name & phone number only
b. “Type”: Consultation (dark blue color)
c. “Notes”: indicate “Free Consultation Appointment”
4. Upon arrival for their appointment, the patient should only complete the New Patient Intake Form
a. Upload the completed New Patient form to the patient’s eDocs
5. PT will open the patient’s chart to document the visit in a Case Note
6. Ideally, we will then be scheduling a typical one-hour initial evaluation
a. If an eval is scheduled, complete remaining necessary information in the patient’s chart such as
insurance/self pay, case information, etc.
b. Front desk will follow standard check-in protocol for initial evaluation
Last Update: 7/9/19