Page 23 - R2P Front Desk Manual v1
P. 23
a. First & Last Name
i. The First Name must be the patient’s legal name that appears on their
insurance card; if they prefer a nickname, fill in the Nickname field.
ii. Include Suffix as applicable.
b. Gender
c. Date of Birth
d. In the Other Info box, you must enter the patient’s referral source (how they
found or heard about Rehab 2 Perform - i.e. a doctor or specific person,
organization, online source, etc.)
3. Under the Addresses tab, click Add Address.
a. Enter the patient’s address without any periods or dashes.
b. Be sure to include any apartment or unit number in the Address2 box.
c. If you enter more than one address (i.e. for a college student who provides their
school address and their home billing address), make sure to mark the Billing
Address as Primary.
4. Under the Contact Info tab, click Add Contact to enter phone and email information.
Last Update: 7/9/19