P. 1
Casa del Mar’s
Bob Curtis
September 18, 2019
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Democrats push ahead with short-term bill to avoid shutdown
By ANDREW TAYLOR raid military base con-
Associated Press struction projects to pay
WASHINGTON (AP) — for the border wall,
Democrats controlling The temporary spend-
the House are steering ing bill would keep the
clear of controversy in a government running
short-term, government- through Nov. 21 and is
wide spending measure to be released Tuesday.
that's needed to prevent House and Senate votes
a government shutdown are expected well in ad-
at the end of Septem- vance of the Sept. 30
ber. deadline to avert a shut-
House Speaker Nancy down, though its release
Pelosi has agreed to a remained held up over a
White House request to relatively a relatively mi-
replenish funds for bailout nor but complicated set
payments to farmers ab- of issues.
sorbing heavy losses as a The Senate, mean-
result of President Don- while, remains wrapped
ald Trump's trade battles around the axle in its
with China. She has also efforts to advance the
rejected suggestions 12 annual spending
from House liberals to bills that would fill in the
try to use the must-pass blanks of this summer’s On this Sept. 12, 2019, photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks at the Capitol in Washing-
stopgap measure to try bipartisan budget and ton. The good news is that it doesn’t look like a bitterly polarized Washington will stumble into another
to reverse the president's debt deal. government shutdown.
controversial moves to Continued on Page 4 Associated Press
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