Page 11 - Trail Winds Proposal E2
P. 11

Design Assist Projects                                                                Criterion 2

                            HCA JFK Medical Center

              Bed Tower Expansion, Parking Structure and E.D. Expansion

            Owner:                              JFK Medical Center
            General Contractor:                 DPR Construc.on
            Architect:                          Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.
            Engineer:                           I.C. Thomasson Associates, Inc.

            Area:                               642,500 square feet
            Contract Executed Date:             November 3, 2016
            Dura.on:                            18 months

            JFK Medical Center is a 558 bed, acute care hospital located in Atlan.s, Florida. We par.cipated in
            the addi.on of a new 160,000 square foot bed tower. The new tower added 62 beds, a lobby, and 2
            shell floors. There was a new 15,000 square foot CEP that fed the emergency services to the
            hospital  and  upgraded  the  normal  to  compensate  the  tower  expansion.   A  minor  expansion  and
            renova.on of the emergency department added a new ambulance entrance, radiography rooms, CT
            scanner,  and    26  new  exam  rooms.  To  support  the  increase  in  pa.ent  capacity  2  new  parking
            garages were built of 1,750 spaces.

            Tri-City  was  selected  to  par.cipate  in  a  pilot  program  as  a  Florida  trade  partner  to  Hospital
            Corpora.on of America (HCA). The partnership; implemented under the Design and Construc.on
            division of HCA; is a design build, design assist partnership. As part of the program trade partners

            interact directly with the design team, HCA program managers, and general contractors by providing
    condi.ons  services,  procurement  advice,  on-site  constructability  reviews  as
            well as SD, DD, CD preconstruc.on services and finally our opera.ons team build the project.              Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  Electrical Proposal

                           430 West Drive  |  Altamonte Springs, FL , 32714  |   407-788-3500                        10
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