Page 51 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 51

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                   Level of Significance

               There is an amount of error associated with the confidence. Alpha
               (α) is the probability of an incorrect conclusion. Level of confidence
               refers  to  the  probability  that  the  researcher  is  making  a  correct
               conclusion. Level of significance (a.k.a. -level) is a predetermined
               level of the probability of rejecting the null when it is actually true.

               There is an amount of error associated with the confidence. Alpha is
               the probability of an incorrect conclusion. The researcher  chooses
               how  confident  he  or  she  wants  to  be  in  their  test.  This  also
               determines the chance of error the researcher is willing to make.
                       C=1 - ;  C: Confidence level;  : Probability of an error

               Common values for alpha includes: .05, .01, .001 (5%, 1%, and .01%

                                          p Value

               The  p-value  is  the  probability  of  obtaining  a  result  at  least  as
               extreme as the one that was actually observed, given that the null
               hypothesis is true. p<.001 implies that the probability this difference
               or one larger could arise given the null is true is less than 0.1%.

               SPSS and other statistical software provide p value of all statistical
               tests.  When  the  conclusion  is  to  “reject  the  null  hypothesis”  it  is
               known that p <α. When the conclusion is to “fail to reject the null
               hypothesis” it is known that p >α.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           35
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