Page 46 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 46

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                         Characteristics of a Usable Hypothesis

               1.      A hypothesis states the expected relationship between

               2.      A hypothesis must be testable

                       a.     A hypothesis should identify the population and the
                              variables to be measured (operationally define

                       b.     Avoid value statements (i.e., desirable, favorable,

                              etc.) as they are hard to define (each person may
                              define differently) and vague

               3.      A hypothesis should be consistent with the existing body of

               4.      A hypothesis should be stated as simply and concisely as
                       possible – parsimony is important with hypotheses.

                                   Types of Hypotheses

               5.      Null  Hypothesis  (H 0):  statement  that  there  is  NO
                       relationship, NO impact, or NO difference.

               1.      We assume the null hypothesis is true and test against the
                       null hypothesis.
               2.      We  ultimately  make  statements  about  the  likelihood  the
                       null hypothesis is true.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           30
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