Page 50 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 50

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

               1.      Research Problem: What is the effect of peer group review
                       sessions on graduate student performance on statistics

               2.      Null Hypothesis:
                          H O: There is no significant difference in student statistics
                          exam scores of students studying with a peer group
                          versus those not studying with a peer group.
                          H O: µ peer = µ no peer

               3.      Alternative Hypothesis:
                          H A: students studying with a peer group will have
                          significantly higher statistics exam scores than students
                          not studying with a peer group.
                          H A: µ peer > µ no peer

                   Types of Hypotheses Example 3

               1.      Research Problem: Is there a relationship between student
                       self-concept and high school academic performance?

               2.      Null Hypothesis:
                          H O: There is no relationship between high school
                          students’ self-concept and academic performance.
                          H O: ρ= 0

               3.      Alternative Hypothesis:
                          H A : There is a significant relationship between high
                          school students’ self-concept and academic
                          H A :ρ≠ 0

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           34
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