Page 64 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 64


          Glenfiddich “reimagines time” with launch of three rare whiskies

              Glenfiddich has announced the launch
          of the Time Reimagined Collection, a
          collection of three aged and exclusive
          single malt whiskies that the company
          says represents the ultimate expression of
          time and is the pinnacle of Glenfiddich’s
          signature distillery style.
              The Time Reimagined Collection
          features the 50 Year Old, which is a
          portrayal of Simultaneous Time; the 40
          Year Old represents Cumulative Time; and
          the 30 Year Old embodies Suspended Time.
              Each bottle is presented in a unique
          casing of bespoke artwork.
              The Glenfiddich 50 Year Old liquid
          takes whiskies from three different   of every month of those fifty years.”  Glenfiddich’s Malt Master, suspends the
          American Oak refill casks, all matured in   The Glenfiddich 40 Year Old is   whisky’s maturation to bottle it, capturing
          the same warehouse before being married   a representation of remnant vatting,   the whisky at the precise moment in time.
          together and finished in an American   a process where the remnants of the   The outer packaging design evokes this
          oak refill cask for two years. There are   previous batch are carried over each time,   moment through moving ribbons, each one
          only 220 decanters of this liquid in this   and married with the casks selected for   forming cut-out windows, showing the
          release, making it an extremely rare   each subsequent release. Glenfiddich is   decanter inside.
          and sought-after collectors’ item. Many   the only distillery that uses the remnant   Claudia Falcone, Glenfiddich Global
          factors affect whisky maturing in the   vatting process. The outer packaging   Brand Director, says: “William Grant,
          cask, including climatic conditions:  Air   design brings this to life with a take on a   the visionary founder of Glenfiddich,
          pressure, temperature and humidity. The   geological metamorphosis. The decanter   had a dream to create the best dram in
          nature of maturation changes with these   is housed in a sculptural container and   the valley. These three expressions are
          conditions. The outer casing is an artistic   stopper made from jesmonite, a material   the perfect illustration of that aspiration.
          representation of the climatic data that   with individual characteristics that render   The Time Reimagined collection bottles
          created this extraordinary whisky.  every piece completely unique. Featuring   that maverick spirit and captures a
              Manuel Jiménez García, a      grooves carved into this stone-like material   fleeting moment in time which bridges
          computational architect, decrypted the   that expose the intertwining veins which   the past with the present. The quality of
          meteorological data into an algorithm,   flow through it, each totally random and   these liquids has inspired the distinctive
          and generated a physical design language   different from any other.  packaging that beautifully tell the stories of
          to build the structure’s bespoke form   The Glenfiddich 30 Year Old depicts   these single malts and is a fitting tribute to
          “bringing life to every second of every day,   the moment when Brian Kinsman,   the unpredictable nature of time itself.”

          Brown-Forman buys Gin Mare

              Brown-Forman Corporation has   premium portfolio,” said Lawson Whiting,   said Manu Giró, CEO, and Marc Giró,
          announced that it is buying the Gin Mare   President and CEO, Brown-Forman   Master Distiller, MG Destilerías.
          brands from Vantguard and MG Destilerías,   Corporation. “We believe this exciting   “Our motto at Vantguard is to create
          adding Gin Mare and Gin Mare Capri to its   acquisition enhances our capacity to deliver   brands that are alive with soul and aim to
          portfolio.                        meaningful global growth for the long   put a sparkle in our customers’ eyes. It’s
              Ultra Premium Gin Mare is a Spanish   term.”                     been a thrill to watch consumers embrace
          gin with a Mediterranean-inspired recipe   Gin Mare was founded in 2010 by the   our brand, and we are excited about the
          of botanicals, including Arbequina olives,   Giró Family of MG Destilerías and Alfonso   future for Gin Mare with Brown-Forman’s
          thyme, rosemary, and basil. Gin Mare   Morodo and Antonio Pardo of Vantguard.   resources and capabilities behind it,”
          Capri, introduced last year, is made with   Today, it is sold in more than 70 countries   added Antonio Pardo and Alfonso Morodo,
          Italian bergamot and lemons, along with   and is the largest ultra-premium gin brand   Vantguard Co-CEOs.
          Gin Mare’s four principal botanicals.  in the world according to IWSR.  Gin Mare will continue to be produced
              “Gin Mare and Gin Mare Capri are   “Brown-Forman is the perfect partner   at MG Destilerías in Vilanova i la Geltrú,
          unique gin brands with impressive sales   to bring Gin Mare to more consumers and   a fishing village between the Costa Brava
          growth and strong distribution in important   bartenders around the world while keeping   and the Costa Dorada.
          European markets. They are excellent   the brand’s commitment to producing a
          complements to Brown-Forman’s super-  unique, high quality, Mediterranean gin,”

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