Page 33 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 33


          AND ABOVE -

          PENSION AND


         "It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the  However, in our regular conversations pension and annuity
         wind that determines which way we will go."          are used interchangeably conveying the same meaning. In
                                                 ---Jim Rohn  this article also they are used interchangeably.

                                                              Pension can be a defined benefit or a defined contribution.
         Pension is generally defined as a regular payment made by  Defined benefit is one where only the benefit is defined like
         the state to people who attained the age of retirement or  50% of the employee's last drawn salary etc., where the
         at the time of death of an employee to the widow or to  corpus to support that kind of pension is made available by
         some disabled people.
                                                              the employer. In Defined contribution method, an amount
                                                              is deducted from the employee's salary month on month and
         Annuity is a long-term investment that is issued by an
         insurance company designed to help maintain a regular  invested through a recognised fund. These amounts will get
         income to the individual or the family. This kind of regular  accumulated to form a corpus. At the end of the term like
         income can be of various types as described in this article.  resignation, retirement or  death of an employee, the
         The amounts payable also depends on the type of payment  amount accumulated will be transferred to a recognised (by
                                                              government of India) pension authority from where he will
         an individual chooses.
                                                              get regular amounts. It can be monthly, quarterly, half-
                                                              yearly or yearly pension.

                                About the author              In case of individuals, they can choose a pension plan which

                           Sreenivas Murthy                   is normally sold by a life insurance company in India and keep
                           Alumnus of  IIM Bangalore          on investing in that plan. Different life insurance companies
                           Ex-Direct Recruit Manager - LIC of India  offer products with different features. An individual can
                           Ex - Chief Manger with Aditya Birla Sun  choose according to the requirement. The regular payments
                           Life  insurance  company           made to the customer by the company is termed as annuity.
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2020
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