Page 11 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 11




Money power can't buy                      State's misuse of land acquisition law

privileges: SC                             The Supreme Court has severely            officials having novated to portions of
                                           criticised the way the existing Land      the land being used as helipads for
Recently the SC imposed a fine of Rs       Acquisition Act is being misused by       'state dignitaries'.
10 lakh on Vijay Mallya for causing        state governments. The 'urgency'
delays in the proceedings initiated by     clause in the law is wantonly invoked     We must not forget that even though
the Enforcement Directorate 15             for taking over land and                                 ownership of property has
years ago.                                 then left idle for decades.                              ceased to be conceived of
                                                                                                    as a fundamental right, it
                   Vijay Mallya had        Assailing this attitude, the                             continues to receive Con-
                   written to the trial    court stated in its judg-                                stitutional protection. It is
                   court that as a chair-  ment, Laxmi Devi vs State                                also the regrettable real-
                   man of several com-     of Bihar, a few days ago:                                ity that governments are
                   panies in India and     "It is indeed ironical that what was, as
                   abroad, he would not    far back as in 1987, perceived as an      increasingly relying on rulings of this
be able to answer summons on the           imperative, urgent and exigent neces-     court to the effect that even if the
appointed day, but "I am willing to fix    sity, justifying the steamrolling of the  public purpose providing the predica-
a mutually convenient date to appear       rights of citizens, has proved substan-   tion for the compulsory acquisition of
before you". This provoked sharp re-       tially to be a fallow and ill-conceived   a citizen's land has proved to be an il-
action from the Supreme Court.             requirement even after the passage of     lusion or misconception, another pur-
                                           three decades till date, tracts of the    pose can conveniently be discovered or
In their judgment, the judges ob-          acquired land remain unutilized, the      devised by the state for retention by it
served: "From the tenor of the letter,     initially declared purpose of construc-   of the expropriated land." The court,
it appears that it was not a case of       tion of residential quarters for state    after elaborate reasoning, set aside
mere seeking accommodation by the                                                    the acquisition in this case.
appellant (Mallya) but requiring a
date to be fixed by his convenience.       LS clears bill to deal with cheque bounce cases
Such stand by a person facing allega-
tion of serious nature could hardly be     The Lok Sabha has approved a bill that allows a cheque bouncing case to be
appreciated. Obviously, the enormous       filed at the place where it is presented for clearance and not where it's issued,
money power makes him believe that         thereby improving the redress available in such instances. The amendments to
the state should adjust its affairs to     the Negotiable Instruments Act will have implications for over 18-lakh cheque
suit his commercial convenience."          bounce cases pending in various courts. The bill seeks to replace an ordinance
                                           that was re-promulgated earlier. Though the bill was passed by the Lok Sabha
                                           in the budget session, it could not be approved by the Rajya Sabha, leading to
                                           the re-promulgation.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                    OCTOBER | 2015 | 11

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