Page 12 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 12


Bank accountable for procedural delays in payment                                   ONGC not liable to pay

                     of pension                                                     sub-contractors

Bimla Kashyapa retired on November       trict Forum against both the banks.        When a corporation grants a con-
30, 1987, and started drawing a pen-                                                                          tract to a con-
sion. Her basic pension was Rs 11,396    During the course of the hearings, an                                struction firm,
plus admissible allowances till her      officer of Syndicate Bank admitted that                              the sub-con-
death on March 7, 2011. Thereafter,      the arrears had to be paid. Though his                               tractors can-
the family pension of Rs 6,838 plus ad-  primary grievance has been redressed                                 not sue the
missible allowances was be-              and the complaint stands disposed, the                               corporation
ing paid to her husband, M.                                                                                   for its dues.
Kashyapa.                                            grievance that remains to                                The sub-con-
                                                     be decided is with regard to
Kashyapa's account was with                          the harassment he had suf-     tractors have no privity of contract
Syndicate Bank's Anand                               fered at the hands of the re-  with the corporation.
Vihar branch in Delhi. Since                         spondents, the cost of the
he found it difficult to with-                       litigation that was thrust     Stating so, the Supreme Court ex-
draw his monthly pension,                            upon him and the penal in-     empted Oil and Natural Gas Corpo-
he had the account trans-                            terest on the arrears paid to  ration (ONGC) from paying the
ferred to Punjab & Sind                              him.                           amount in the arbitral award to a
Bank's Anand Vihar branch, which was                                                sub-contractor in the case, Essar Oil
closer to his residence.                 The grievance was redressed, albeit        vs Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. In this
                                         after the filing of the complaint. Yet,    case, ONGC granted a contract to
The Haryana government framed the        88-year-old Kashyapa continued the         Hindustan Shipyard to carry out
Revised Pension Rules, 2009, under       case seeking compensation for the ha-      work of fabrication, skidding, sea
which pensioners prior to the year       rassment caused to him.                    fastening, transportation at various
2006 became entitled to enhanced                                                    stations in the coastal areas.
basic pension of Rs 13,903. Similarly,   The Forum concluded that the transfer
there was an increase in the family      of the pension account while holding       Hindustan Shipyard gave a sub-con-
pension. Kashyapa demanded that the      back the relevant information relating     tract to Essar Oil. While the work
arrears of pension for the period Janu-  to the account would constitute a defi-    was in progress, Essar was given
ary 1, 2009, to March 7, 2011, and       ciency in service. Hence, the Forum in-    some amounts by ONGC as it
thereafter the family pension should     dicted Syndicate Bank for its indiffer-    wanted the project to be completed
be paid in accordance with pension       ence to the hardships of a 88-year-old     faster. Later disputes arose be-
scheme. Since no heed was paid to his    senior citizen. The Forum also observed    tween Essar and Hindustan Ship-
representations, he filed a consumer     that Punjab & Sind Bank had also been      yard. The issues were referred to
complaint before the Delhi (East) Dis-   callous and had not bothered to even       arbitration.
                                         contest the complaint.
                                                                                    By majority, the tribunal decided
ESI court not eligible to grant exemptions                                          that Essar Oil's demand should be
                                                                                    met by Hindustan Shipyard. Against
The court dealing with disputes between employers and employees under the           this, the latter moved the Andhra
                        Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act can adjudicate issues   Pradesh High Court. It ruled that all
                        between them, but it cannot grant exemption to an estab-    the three had contractual obliga-
                        lishment from the rules. In the case, Zuari Cement Ltd vs   tions and therefore Essar could get
                        ESI Corporation the ESI court had granted exemption from    its dues from ONGC. Thus the high
                        liabilities under the Act to the company.                   court quashed the award. Essar
                                                                                    therefore moved the Supreme
The corporation appealed to the Andhra Pradesh High Court. It ruled that the        Court. It set aside the high court
ESI court had no power of exemption. Upholding that view, the Supreme Court         order and upheld the majority view
said: "As per the scheme of the Act, the appropriate government alone could         of the tribunal.
grant or refuse exemption. When the statute prescribed the procedure for grant
or refusal of exemption from the operation of the Act, it is to be done in that
manner and not in any other manner."

12 | 2015 | OCTOBER                                                                 | BANKING FINANCE

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