Page 17 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 17




DDA Makes Leasehold-                      Cricket legend Steve Waugh sets up realty portal to sell
                                          Indian properties to NRIs
to-Freehold Conversion
                                          Waugh, one of the best Australian test         given me so much," said Steve Waugh,
Process Easier                            cricket captain, has set up a property         Founder and Chairman of Waugh Glo-
                                          platform specifically for Non Resident         bal. "We want like-minded partners and
The Delhi Development Authority           Indians (NRIs) looking to buy properties       we will be looking for integrity, account-
                        (DDA) has de-     in India.                                      ability and transparency while forming
                        cided to make                                                    an alliance with Indian developers."
                        the conversion    The portal,, is first of
                        process "more     its pride platform designed                                   Waugh has started his
                                          to specifically serve the                                     new venture with three
transparent" by putting up the appli-     growing NRI market. The                                       more partners-Dean
cations online. Therefore now get-        platform will sell Indian                                     Honan, Simon Szewach
ting your property converted from         premium properties in In-                                     and Neil Honan.
leasehold to freehold will become         dia to NRIs and Persons of
easier                                    Indian Origin (PIOs) across the world. It      He is believed to be focusing on selling
                                          will also offer other allied services includ-  off luxury apartments built by top 10-
"All applications complete in all re-     ing banks finance, property manage-            15 realty developers in India.
spects will be necessarily disposed of    ment and other required assistance for, which is live and is
within 45 days or 60 working days,        these high networth clients.                   currently selling properties of Godrej
as the case may be, and the cases                                                        Properties, Kalpataru, K Raheja Corp,
will be taken up on 'First-In-First-Out'  "I have always seen India as a land rich       Lodha Group, Shapoorji Pallonji Real
basis for disposal,"The schedule of       in opportunities and I am excited to be        Estate, Sobha and Brigade Group etc.
FIFO will be displayed on the website     in the Indian real estate market. I am         It has tied up with 10 developers and
of DDA so that applicants are well        sure, our portal will facilitate greater       selling apartments of 91 projects across
informed regarding the status of dis-     investment into the country that has           seven Indian cities.
posal and there is no queue jump-
ing," the DDA said.                       L&T plans plush township in Bengaluru to monetise

One of the major changes is that the      land parcel
requirement of submission of docu-
ments, which were earlier two under-      Engineering major Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is planning to monetise its 67-acre
takings and one affidavit, has been       land parcel in one of the plush areas of Bengaluru by developing a residential
reduced to submission of only 'affida-    township there, said three persons with direct knowledge of the development.
vit' and the requirement of undertak-     The plot that used to house L&T and Komatsu joint venture's manufacturing
ings has been totally dispensed with.     unit for heavy machines has now been vacated by shifting the factory.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                        OCTOBER | 2015 | 17

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