Page 20 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 20
Project Exports:An impor- 4 Turnkey Projects are those which Funded Facilities:
involve supply of equipment along Pre-shipment Credit in Indian Rupees
tant place in Indian export with related services, like design, and Foreign Currency provides access
Projects involve activities like engineer- detailed engineering, civil con- to finance at the manufacturing stage
ing, procurement, construction (civil, struction, erection and commis- - enabling exporters to purchase raw
mechanical, electrical or instrumen- sioning of plants and power trans- materials and other inputs. The facil-
tal), including provision of all desired mission & distribution. ity also enables provision of Rupee/FC
and specified equipment / supplies, 4 Construction Projects involve civil mobilization expenses for construction/
construction and building materials,
works, steel structural works, as turnkey projects. Exporters can also
consultancy, technical know-how, tech-
well as associated supply of con- avail Foreign Currency Pre-shipment
nology transfer, design, engineering
struction material and equipment Credit facility to import raw materials
(basic or detailed), commissioning with
for various infrastructure projects. and other inputs required for export
other all such related services as are
needed by the existing or new projects 4 Technical and Consultancy Service production.
/ plants / processes involving interna- contracts, involving provision of Post-Shipment Credit finances the ex-
tional competitive bidding (thus includ- know-how, skills, personnel and port bill after shipment has been made.
ing even Multilaterally Funded Projects training are categorised as This facility enables Indian exporters to
in India). consultancy projects. Typical ex- extend term credit to importers (over-
amples of services contracts are:
Project exports occupy an important project implementation services, seas) of eligible goods at the post-ship-
place in India's export portfolio. The management contracts, super vi- ment stage. Exporters can also avail
contracts secured in the recent years sion of erection of plants, CAD/ Foreign Currency Pre-shipment Credit
have been quite diverse in nature, in- CAM solutions in software exports, facility to import raw materials and
dicating the growing versatility and finance and accounting systems. other inputs required for export pro-
technological capabilities of Indian 4 Supplies: Supply contracts involve duction.
project exporters. primarily export of capital goods
and industrial manufactures. Typi- These facilities are extended by Exim
Exim Bank extends funded and non- cal examples of supply contracts Bank individually or in participation
funded facilities for overseas turnkey are: supply of stainless steel slabs with commercial banks on a case-to-
projects, civil construction contracts, and ferro-chrome manufacturing case basis.
technical and consultancy service con- equipments, diesel generators,
tracts as well as supplies.
pumps and compressors. Eligibility: Indian manufacturers and
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