Page 15 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 15


Safety standards of 365                   5 Common facility centres for jute handicrafts units

food product types noti-                  launched

fied: Nadda                               The Union Ministry of Textiles recently      Ministry's initiative has also been linked
                                          inaugurated five common facility cen-        to the National Institute of Design.
Maggi instant noodles, energy drinks      tres for small jute handicrafts units in
Monster, Cloud 9 and Tzinga, and          West Bengal, Assam and Bihar. Accord-        The centre also aims to install facili-
Akoaroma flavoured water are                                                           ties for dyeing and bleaching. CAD and
among the food products manufac-                                  ing to Union Minis-  CAM equipment, lamination tools,
tured by multinational companies for                              ter of State for     handlooms, powerlooms, sewing and
which the food regulator has recalled                             Textiles, Santosh    embroidery machines for design proto-
                                                                  Kumar Gangwar,       type and sample development.
                   and/or withdrawn                               three such centres
                   the provisional "No                            have been set up     Meanwhile, Gangwar also pointed
                   Object Certificate',                           in West Bengal and   that in a Rs.27 crore road project in the
                   according to Health                            one each in Assam    North-East, geo-textiles were being
                   Minister J. P. Nadda.  and Bihar.                                   introduced for wider scope for jute.
                   This action was
                   taken because provi-   The centres will run under a ministry-       The Ministry is also trying to find buy-
sion of the FSS Act or Regulations        designed Rs.10 crore scheme, which           ers for a technology, developed by IIT
were violated.                            involve financial aid, training, input and   Kharagpur, that produced jute fibre-
                                          marketing assistance to women-driven         based diapers and gender hygiene
The minister said that besides these,     self help groups.                            products.
safety standards of around 365 cat-
egories of food products have been        Under the first phase of the scheme in       The Minister had laid foundation stone
notified, adding that these stan-         West Bengal, the initiative will support     for a Rs.70 crore nine-storied building
dards are enforced by the Food            several tiny SHGs. The groups have           in Kolkata. The building, will be con-
Safety Department of States/Union         been clustered in three districts at         structed by National Buildings Con-
Territories (UTs). "However, details      Block levels, formed under the National      struction Corporation Ltd. Which will
in this regard are not maintained         Rural Livelihood Mission.                    house the office of the Jute Commis-
centrally," he said.                                                                   sioner, the National Jute Manufactures
                                          As far as the connectivity is concerned,     Corporation, the Jute Corporation of
Earlier the FSSAI had issued an order     Each cluster will have one internet-con-     India and the National Jute Board and
dated June 5 directing Nestle India       nected centre. Necessary assistance,         is expected to be completed in the next
Ltd to withdraw and recall their          including training and designing will be     two years.
products from the market. Further,        delivered through the centres. The
a show cause notice has been issued
to the company giving it 15 days time                Steel Sector revival in 18-24 months
to respond as to why product ap-
provals granted in respect of nine        India's steel sector, which is passing through a global oversupply crisis, may take
variants of Maggi noodles should not                             another 18-24 months for revival, a Steel Ministry official has
be withdrawn, he said.                                           said. "We have assessed the steel situation within the minis-
                                                                 try and according to that assessment the industry is ex-
However, Nadda said no report has                                pected to remain under stress for the next 18 to 24 months,"
been received by the Food Safety and                             Ministry of Steel Joint Secretary Syedain Abbasi said.
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
indicating the presence of detergent                             "Government is there to help out the industry in these diffi-
in Mother Dairy's milk samples. The       cult times. We have imposed safeguard import duty on steel and have taken up
minister said implementation and en-      the issue of easing the external commercial booking norms for the steel indus-
forcement of the Food Safety and          try with the Finance Ministry," he said.
Standards Act, 2006, primarily rests
with the States/UT government.            Indian steel demand is expected to remain robust in the current financial year
                                          (2015-16) with the consumption expected to rise 5-6 per cent a year, he said.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                      OCTOBER | 2015 | 15

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