Page 16 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 16


ICAI regulator steps in to curb violations in tax audit                                CBDT signals 7 more PSUs
                                                                                       to raise Rs.40K crore from
                                                                                       tax free bonds
The recent report by the Comptroller         analysis and has more dimensions than
and Auditor General of India had             what appears on the surface," said        The Central Board of Direct Taxes
prompted the Institute of Chartered          Fadnis .                                                        (CBDT) allowed 7
Accountants in India (ICAI) to step in                                                                       entities including
and form a committee to examine the          Over the last few years, the spotlight                          NHAI, NTPC and REC
breach in tax audit norms committed          has been on some of these violations                            to raise Rs.40,000
by the CAs.                                  by auditors. In 2008, founder of                                crore in the current
                                             Satyam Computer Services, Ramalinga                             financial year
The CAG report has pointed out that          Raju confessed to an accounting fraud
at least 18.87 per cent of CAs (12,435)      of Rs 7,136 crore. More recently, proxy   through tax-free bonds.
in India issued more tax audit reports       investor advisory service firms have
than prescribed by ICAI for assessment       called for an examination of the role     A notification issued by the CBDT said
year 2013-14. This forms part of the         of auditors in the ongoing fight be-      that the National Highways Authority
2014-15 annual report of the finance         tween United Spirits Ltd. board and its   of India (NGAI) has been permitted to
ministry released last month.                chairman Vijay Mallya.                    raise Rs.24,000 crore while Indian Rail-
                                                                                       ways Finance Corporation (IRFC)
Rules which are in force stipulate that      The board wants Mallya to step down       Rs.6,000 crore and Housing and Urban
a partner in a chartered accountancy         after an internal probe revealed a di-    Development Corporation (HUDCO)
firm can sign not more than 45 tax           version of funds from USL and its sub-    Rs.5,000 crore.
audits in a year. So if there are 10 part-   sidiaries to some UB Group companies.
ners in a CA firm, then all the partners     But some chartered accountants have       NTPC,Power Finance Corporation and
can collectively sign 450 tax audit re-      pointed out that the CAG report may       Rural Electrification Corporation (REC)
ports. But there is a twist.                 after all be erroneous.                   can issue tax-free bonds worth
                                                                                       Rs.1,000 crore each. The notification
This maximum limit of 450 tax audit as-      The CAG report has found that CAs         follows the announcement made by
signments can also be distributed be-        have "certified wrong information/        finance minister Arun Jaitley in Budget
tween the partners in any manner.            claims for various exemptions" in at      2015-16, that PSUs would be allowed
Thus, a single partner can also sign 450     least 74 cases having a tax effect of Rs  to raise funds through tax free bonds
tax audits if the other nine decide not      259.72 crore in assessment year 2013-     for development of infrastructure.
to sign any audit report, the ICAI has       14.
indicated on its website.                                                              The CBDT further added that the re-
                                             According to some chartered accoun-       tail investors, which include HUFs and
According to Manoj Fadnis, president         tants, CAs are violating the norms be-    non-resident Indians investing on repa-
                  of ICAI, the issue is be-  cause there are too many CA firms and     triation basis, can invest up to Rs.10
                  ing addressed and the      the Indian market is too fragmented.      lakh in such bonds while those invest-
                  group is in touch with     "Many auditors are willing to sign        ing a higher amount would be classi-
                  the CAG and Central        documents all too easily and don't care   fied as high net worth individuals.
                  Board of Direct Taxes or   about ethics," says Amit Maheshwari,
                  CBDT. "This issue (CAG     a partner at chartered accountants
                  report) needs in-depth     Ashok Maheshwary & Associates.

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16 | 2015 | OCTOBER                                                                    | BANKING FINANCE

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