Page 19 - Banking Finance October 2015
P. 19




UTI MF assets surpasses                   A Fee of Just Rs.7 to Manage EPFO's Rs.1.41 cr

Rs.1 lakh cr mark                         One out of the five fund managers for     0.0003%, At that time, it had been
                                          the Employees' Provident Fund             allocated 35% of the corpus.
UTI Mutual Fund has obtained an as-       Organisation (EPFO) debt corpus has
                        set base of over  agreed to charge just Rs 7 for manag-     While the other four fund managers
                        Rs.1 lakh crore   ing nearly Rs.1.4 lakh crore.             have higher fees, only three are likely
                        with about one                                              to make money on this mandate. Reli-
                        crore investor    ICICI Securities Primary Dealership has   ance Capital AMC won't cover its costs
                                          bid 0.0000000005% of the
accounts and is now targeting lead-       assets it is managing as an-                             from the Rs.11 lakh it will
ership positions across various seg-      nual fee. This is by far the                             be paid for managing
ments. Besides expanding its pres-        lowest bid ever to be ac-                                Rs.1,22,500 crore. For the
ence to smaller cities, the fund house    cepted by the retirement                                 fund managers, the real
is also looking to bolster its offerings  fund. The other four man-                                gain is the leverage from
in terms of premium and off-shore         agers bid comparatively                                  the huge corpuses they
market products according to Leo          higher fees.                                             will handle. "If they man-
Puri, MD of UTI AMC.                                                                               age a very large corpus
                                          In 2009, a large mutual                                  they can showcase the
MF schemes on high de-                    fund house offered to                                    AUM (Assets Under Man-
                                          handle the EPFO corpus for free, but                     agement) to global inves-
mand                                      the bid was rejected for want of a        tors and boost their valuation," as per
                                          "commercial logic".                       the industry source.
With rising demand from retail inves-
tors for mutual                           The bids were opened by the Finance,      The mandate is also prestigious. This is
fund schemes, the                         Investment and Audit Committee of         why investment bankers agree to the
draft papers by                           the EPFO in January this year. ICICI Se-  very low fee for disinvestment
fund houses filed                         curities Private Dealership has been al-  programmes. They normally charge
with the capital                          located 20% of the estimated              between 1.2% and 1.5% of the amount
markets regulator Sebi for launching      Rs.7,00,000 crore corpus. Even in the     raised by a private company. But when
the New Fund Offers (NFOs) have           previous bidding held in 2011, the com-   SBI came out with a qualified institu-
gone as high as 100 since January.        pany was the lowest bidder at             tional placement, eight investment
The document for these 100 NFOs                                                     bankers shared a token fee of Rs.1.
have been submitted with Sebi since
the beginning of 2015.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                   OCTOBER | 2015 | 19

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