Page 74 - Christian Training Guide
P. 74

second is that the YouTube creator hosting you probably agreed to do so based on your

               channel; if you change your style now, they may feel blindsided.

               However, it should be noted that, for the most part, you should focus first on targeting the

               host’s  audience,  and  second  on  maintaining  your  own  style.  If  your  host  always  offers

               quick, bite-sized list videos, their viewers probably won’t want a 20-minute long unboxing
               video. Check out their usual format, and then insert your own style and personality into an

               appropriate vlog type. Be creative!

                     Avoid a Sole Focus on Self-Promotion

               As mentioned earlier, don’t just spend the video talking about your own channel and why

               people should subscribe to you on YouTube. Instead, focus on creating a high quality video

               that viewers will enjoy, and that will encourage them to visit your channel naturally to see
               more great content. The best way to do this is to film the vlog as if you were creating it for

               your own YouTube channel.

                     Don’t Let Guest Vlogs Disrupt Your Schedule

               Your YouTube viewers have come to expect and look forward to videos on your channel.

               When you’re hosting content from your guest vlogging partner, don’t sacrifice an upload of

               your own unless your uploading schedule is normally flexible.

               Keep your own schedule consistent to keep your YouTube channel growing, but add in the

               guest vlog as additional content on your channel. This will allow your regular viewers to

               continue getting the content they want, but also provide them with “something extra”.

               It also ensures that any new visitors from the guest vlogger’s channel will see brand new

               material when they visit your YouTube channel.

                     Build Buzz with Your Viewers Beforehand

               Finally, it’s important for both partners to let their audiences know about the guest vlog

               content  beforehand,  and  to  encourage  them  to  support  and  share  the  guest  vlogs  they
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