Page 15 - SAPPO Boardpack l 13 May 2020
P. 15

own countries.    SAPPO  must see  this as  an opportunity for  extended
                   communication and relationship building.  An African country applicant
                   might be able to join as an Associate Member.

             9.  GENERAL

                   9.1  RMIF
                   Johann Kotzé reminded the members that SAPPO had stepped out of
                   the global statutory levy and became independent.

                   He was of the opinion that the RMIF was malfunctioning.  SAPPO was
                   paying towards  the compliance fund  and the  liaison fund.    It  was a
                   verbal agreement that was still being honoured.  The RMIF has R18 million
                   in unspent money, excluding the Research and Development Trust fund.
                   There  was  R8 million in the  Compliance reserve fund.  The RMIF is
                   undergoing a restructuring process.

                   The members also noted that SAPPO had asked the RMIF for financial
                   assistance during the listeriosis outbreak but was told that it was a pork
                   issue and not a red meat issue; therefore, no funds were made available
                   to the  pork  industry.  The recommendation was  to stop  paying fees
                   towards  the compliance fund and only  contribute  when necessary
                   subject to the industry’s own consent.

                   SAPPO was also paying towards the management of the RMIF office.  It
                   is important to have a forum but they need to divorce the levy from the
                   rest of the business.

                   Johan van der Walt, David Osborne and Johann Kotzé must meet with
                   the RMIF to raise the industry’s concerns.  EB 06/2020-25/02/2020

                   9.2  NAHF

                   SAPPO  was  a driver in the  establishment  of the  NAHF therefore  the
                   communication and  relationship-building with government should not
                   be jeopordised.  The NAHF is registered as a NPC with a board of directors
                   and Dr Pieter Vervoort was mandated to go into the public space.   The
                   SAPPO Exco decided that SAPPO should have a director in order to know
                   what was going on.

                   The industry became uneasy with the directorship due to the following:
                   •  Government started talking only to the NAHF representative and not
                      to the industries.

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