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P. 133

Example #1:
      Assume a part is 10"x 12"x 2" deep. Therefore the Draw Ratio will be:
      Surface Area = 2(10" x 2") + 2(12"x2") + 10" x 12” = 40" + 48" + 120” = 208”
                     Footprint = 10" x 12” = 120"
                     Draw Ratio = 208"/120” = 1.7
      If the desired ending wall thickness of the part is 0.100" use the draw ratio as follows
      to estimate the starting gauge of the sheet:
      Draw Ratio x Desired Finished Gauge = Minimum Starting Gauge
      1.7 x 0.100" = 0.170" Assuming perfect material distribution.
      Example #2:
      Assume a part size of 10" x 11" x 5" deep.
      Surface Area =  2(10" x 5") + 2(11" x 5") + (10" x 11") = 300”
                     Footprint = 10" x 11" = 110”
                     Draw Ratio = 2.73
      If the desired ending wall thickness is 0.100" use the draw ratio value as follows:
      2.7 x 0.100" = 0.273" starting gauge. Assuming perfect material distribution.
      Cavity Mould Linear Draw Ratio
      Length of line prior to forming = 6"
      Length of line after forming = 6" + 3" + 6" = 15"
      Linear Draw Ratio = 15/6 = 2.5
      Thus the sheet would stretch 2.5 times its original length.
                                             Length of line prior to forming = 10"
                     6”                            Length of line after forming =
                                                     2" + 6" + 3" + 6" + 2" = 19"
                                               Linear Draw Ratio = 19/10 = 1.9
             Clamping Frame  Here the sheet would stretch 1.9 times its original length.
      Draft (taper): Draft is the degree of taper of a vertical sidewall to facilitate removal of
      the part from the tool. Male moulds: 3° minimum required whereas for Female
      moulds:  1°--2º  for  smooth  tool  surface.  The  deeper  the  feature  or  rougher  the
      surface texture, the more draft is required, 1° of draft for every 0.025 mm of texture
      Undercuts: Undercuts are features protruding from or into the tool surface, which
      would prevent removal of the part from the tool. Movable “cores-pulls” in the tool
      are  used  to  form  the  feature,  and  then  are  retracted  to  allow  the  part  to  be
      removed. Undercuts should be avoided however, if necessary should not to exceed
      5/8” in depth.

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