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Injection Moulding: A mould temperature of 150-165°C is recommended. Screws
of L/D around 20 are recommended
Extrusion temperature: 345 to 400°C. Screw L/D of 20 to 24 is recommended
PPSU exhibit very high maximum service temperature in air, up to 190°C in
permanent service, high hardness, strength and rigidity with Outstanding thermal
stability and creep resistance over a wide range of temperatures, excellent
hydrolysis resistance, suitable for repeated steam sterilisation, high toughness,
even at low temperatures, intrinsic flame retardant, physiologically inert, suitable for
food contact, good electrical insulating and dielectric properties, high resistance to
gamma and e-beam radiation, good chemical resistance wide range of acids and
alkalis, aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, benzene, fats and strong cleaners and
disinfectants, Exceptional stain resistance
PPSUs good notched-impact resistance is of particular significance since most
amorphous high-performance plastics are notch-sensitive and can break at
notches under impact stress
Limitations: Very high price, limited resistance to organic solvents, processing at
high temperatures, low clarity
Applications: Automotive Fuel systems, Sterilization Tray Lids, Dental
Instruments, Medical Tubing, Surgical instrument handles, Endoscopic devices,
Anaesthesiology equipment, Aircraft Interiors, Electrical Wire Insulation, Magnet
wire applications, Contactors, Switches, Circuit breakers, Hot Water Fittings and
Plumbing Manifolds.
45) Polyetherimide (PEI):
Is an amorphous thermoplastic polymer having both ether links and imide groups in
its polymer chain. The presence of the ether linkages allows the material to be melt
processable, while retaining many of the key characteristics of polyimides.
Density 1.27 - 1.3 g/cm 3
Glass transition temperature 216 °C
Max continuous Service temperature 175 °C
Material required to be pre-dried before processing, recommended: 4 to 6 hours at
Injection mouldable at temperatures between 340 °C - 395 °C, mould temperature
150-180°C recommended. Purging of the barrel is necessary when changing
material with PC or HDPE at 370-400°. PEI is also processed by extrusion.
PEI is transparent and has very high tensile strength. Very low creep at high
temperatures over long period allows PEI to replace metal and other materials in
many structural applications
It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, thus has very good dimensional
stability and suitable for injection of very small parts with tight dimensional
tolerances. Excellent electrical properties, shows stability under variable
temperature, humidity and frequency conditions and are inherently flame retardant
with low smoke and toxic gas emissions. Exhibit excellent hydrolytic stability and
has good chemical resistance for an amorphous polymer against many organic
chemicals and acids, but it is less resistant to bases, above pH 9. Good resistance
to most sterilisation methods, so very suitable for medical applications.