Page 209 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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two nucleoli.

                   Lymphocytes  (1,  2)  constitute  approximately  20%  to  30%  of  blood

               leukocytes.  Most  of  the  lymphocytes  in  the  blood,  about  90%,  are  the  small
               lymphocytes.  The  large  lymphocytes  constitute  about  3%  of  the  circulating

               FIGURE 6.7 ■ Lymphocytes. Stain: Wright stain. Oil immersion.

               Figure 6.8 | Monocyte

               Monocytes (1) are the largest agranular leukocytes. The nucleus (1) varies from
               round  or  oval  to  indented  or  horseshoe  shaped  and  stains  lighter  than  the

               lymphocyte nucleus. The nuclear chromatin is finely dispersed in monocytes (1),
               and the abundant cytoplasm is lightly basophilic with few fine granules.

                   Monocytes (1) constitute approximately 3% to 8% of blood leukocytes.

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