Page 342 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 342

Motor  Neurons,  and  Adjacent  Anterior  White


               A higher magnification of a small section of the anterior horn of the thoracic
               region  of  the  spinal  cord  illustrates  the  white  matter,  gray  matter,  neurons,

               neuroglia,  and  axons  stained  with  hematoxylin  and  eosin.  The  cells  in  this
               region are multipolar motor neurons (2, 7, 10). The cytoplasm is characterized
               by  a  prominent  vesicular  nucleus  (10),  a  distinct  nucleolus  (10),  and  coarse
               clumps  of  basophilic  material  called  the  Nissl  substance  (3).  The  Nissl

               substance extends into the dendrites but not into the axons. Two of the neurons
               exhibit the axons and their axon hillocks (4, 9), which is devoid of the Nissl
               substance;  this  feature  characterizes  the  axon  hillock.  In  certain  multipolar
               neurons  (7),  the  plane  of  section  missed  the  nucleus,  and,  as  a  result,  the

               cytoplasm  appears  enucleated  (without  a  nucleus)  and  exhibits  only  the  Nissl
               substance in the cytoplasm.

                   The nonneural supportive neuroglia (8), seen as basophilic nuclei, are small
               in comparison to the multipolar neurons (2, 7, 10). The neuroglia (8) occupy the
               spaces  between  the  neurons.  The  anterior  white  matter  of  the  spinal  cord

               contains myelinated axons of various sizes. Because of the use solvent chemicals
               (xylene) in preparation of this section, the myelin sheaths were lost or washed
               out and appear as clear spaces around the dark-staining central axons (5). Also

               visible in the image are capillaries, venules, and an arteriole (6).

               FIGURE  9.4  ■  Spinal  cord:  anterior  gray  horn,  motor  neuron,  and  adjacent

               white matter. Stain: hematoxylin and eosin. Medium magnification.

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