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represent the ascending and descending neural pathways of the spinal cord. The

               axons (4) of the anterior horn motor neurons aggregate into groups, pass through
               the white matter, and exit the spinal cord as the anterior (ventral) root fibers (see
               Fig. 9.5).

               FIGURE  9.6  ■  Spinal  cord:  anterior  gray  horn,  motor  neurons,  and  adjacent
               anterior  white  matter.  Stain:  silver  impregnation  (Cajal  method).  Medium

               FIGURE  9.7  |  Ultrastructure  of  Typical

               Axodendritic Synapses in the CNS

               It is not possible to see synapses in the CNS with routine hematoxylin and eosin

               preparations.  This  high-magnification  transmission  electron  micrograph  shows
               two  typical  axodendritic  synapses  (2,  4)  in  the  CNS.  The  terminal  end  of  the
               presynaptic  component  (1,  3)  is  expanded  and  contains  numerous  small
               neurotransmitter  vesicles  (1,  3).  A  small  intercellular  space,  called  the

               synaptic  cleft  (2,  4),  is  located  between  and  separates  the  presynaptic
               membrane  (2,  4)  from  the  postsynaptic  membranes  (8).  The  postsynaptic
               membranes (8) appear thicker and denser than the presynaptic membrane (2, 4).
               In the center of the image is a section of a dendrite (7) with neurofilaments,

               microtubules, and large mitochondria (7). Located around the dendrite (7) are
               smaller  myelinated  axons  (5)  with  a  dense,  thick  myelin  sheath  (9).  In  the
               upper  region  of  the  figure  are  numerous  unmyelinated  axons  (6).  Both  the
               myelinated axons (5) and the unmyelinated axons (6, 7) contain dark-staining,

               oval mitochondria (6) with shelflike cristae.

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