Page 348 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 348

FIGURE  9.8  ■  Motor  neurons:  anterior  horn  of  the  spinal  cord.  Stain:
               hematoxylin and eosin. High magnification.

                  FUNCTIONAL  CORRELATIONS  9.2  ■  Neurons,

                  Interneurons, Axons, and Dendrites

                 Functionally, neurons are classified as afferent (sensory), efferent (motor),
                 or  interneurons.  Sensory  or  afferent  neurons  conduct  impulses  from
                 receptors in the internal organs or from the external environment to the CNS.
                 Somatic afferent fibers conduct impulses from the body surface and body
                 organs,  such  as  muscles,  tendons,  and  joints.  Visceral  afferent  fibers

                 conduct impulses from internal organs, glands, and blood vessels. Motor, or
                 efferent,  fibers  convey  impulses  from  the  CNS  to  the  effector  muscles  or
                 glands in the peripheries. Interneurons constitute the majority of the neurons

                 in the CNS. They serve as intermediaries or integrators of nerve impulses and
                 connect neuronal circuits between sensory neurons, motor neurons, and other
                 interneurons in the CNS.

                     Neurons are specialized for irritability, conductivity, and production or
                 synthesis of neurotransmitters and neurohormones. After a mechanical or

                 chemical  stimulus,  these  neurons  react  (irritability)  to  the  stimulus  and
                 transmit  (conductivity)  the  information  via  axons  to  other  neurons  or
                 interneurons in different regions of the nervous system. Strong stimuli create
                 a  wave  of  excitation,  or  nerve  impulse  (action  potential),  which  is  then

                 propagated along the entire length of the axon (nerve fiber).

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