Page 344 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 344

FIGURE 9.5 ■ Spinal cord: midcervical region (transverse section). Stain: silver
               impregnation (Cajal method). Low magnification.

               FIGURE 9.6 | Spinal Cord: Anterior Gray Horn,

               Motor  Neurons,  and  Adjacent  Anterior  White


               A  section  of  the  white  matter  and  the  gray  matter  of  the  anterior  horn  of  the
               spinal  cord  is  illustrated  at  a  higher  magnification.  The  gray  matter  contains

               large, multipolar motor neurons (2, 3). These are characterized by numerous
               dendrites  (5,  6)  that  extend  in  different  directions  from  the  perikaryon  (cell
               bodies). In some neurons, the nucleus (8) is visible with its prominent nucleolus
               (8). In other neurons, the plane of section missed the nucleus and the perikaryon

               appears empty (2). Surrounding the motor neurons are the small, light-staining,
               supportive cells, the neuroglia (7).

                   The  white  matter  contains  closely  packed  myelinated  axons.  In  cross
               sections, the axons (1) appear dark-stained and surrounded by clear spaces that
               are  the  remnants  of  the  lost  myelin  sheaths.  The  axons  in  the  white  matter

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