Page 479 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 479

FIGURE 12.3 ■ Skin: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis in the scalp. Stain:
               hematoxylin and eosin. Low magnification.

               FIGURE  12.4  |  Hairy  Thin  Skin  of  Scalp:  Hair

               Follicles and Surrounding Structures

               This  low-power  photomicrograph  illustrates  a  section  of  the  thin  skin  of  the
               scalp. In the epidermis (1), the stratum corneum (1a), stratum granulosum
               (1b), and stratum spinosum (1c) layers are thinner than the same layers in the
               thick skin. In the dense irregular connective tissue of the dermis (4) are hair

               follicles (3) and sebaceous glands (2, 5). An arrector pili muscle (6) extends
               from  the  deep  connective  tissue  sheath  around  the  hair  follicle  (3)  to  the
               connective tissue of the dermal papillary layer beneath the epidermis.

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