Page 529 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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these cells (5, 8, I). The number of secretory granules in serous cells varies with

               the functional activity of the gland. All serous acini (5, 8, I) are surrounded by
               thin,  contractile  myoepithelial  cells  (7,  I)  located  between  the  basement
               membrane  and  the  serous  cells  (5,  8,  I).  Because  of  their  small  size,  in  some
               sections, only the myoepithelial cells nuclei are visible (7, I). Some parotid gland
               lobules  may  contain  adipose  cells  (3)  that  appear  as  clear  oval  structures

               surrounded by darker-staining serous acini (5, 8, I).

                   The  secretory  serous  acini  (5,  8,  I)  empty  their  product  into  the  narrow
               intercalated ducts (10, 12, II). These ducts have small lumina, are lined with a
               simple  squamous  or  a  low  cuboidal  epithelium,  and  are  often  surrounded  by

               myoepithelial cells (see Fig. 13.19). The secretory product from the intercalated
               ducts (10, 12, II) drains into larger striated ducts (11, III) with larger lumina
               that are lined with simple columnar cells that exhibit basal striations (11, III).
               The striations in the striated ducts (11, III) are formed by deep infoldings of the

               basal cell membrane.

                   The striated ducts (11, III), in turn, empty their product into the intralobular
               excretory ducts (4)  located  within  the  lobules  of  the  gland.  These  ducts  join
               larger interlobular excretory ducts (2, 13, IV) in the connective tissue septa (6)

               around the salivary gland lobules. The lumina of interlobular excretory ducts (2,
               13,  IV)  become  progressively  wider  and  the  epithelium  can  increase  from
               columnar  to  pseudostratified  or  even  stratified  columnar  in  large  excretory
               (lobar) ducts that drain the parotid gland lobes.

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