Page 533 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 533

In comparison with other salivary glands, the duct system of the sublingual

               gland is different. The intercalated ducts (2, III) are short or absent and not
               readily observed. In contrast, the nonstriated intralobular excretory ducts (6, 8,
               IV) are more prevalent. These excretory ducts (6, 8, IV) are equivalent to the
               striated ducts of the submandibular and parotid glands but lack the membrane
               infolding and basal striations.

                   The  interlobular  connective  tissue  septa  (4)  are  more  abundant  in  the
               sublingual  glands  than  in  the  parotid  and  submandibular  glands.  An  arteriole
               (3), a venule (5), nerve fibers, and interlobular excretory ducts (12) are seen in
               the  septa.  The  epithelial  lining  of  the  interlobular  excretory  ducts  (12)  varies

               from low columnar in the smaller ducts to pseudostratified or stratified columnar
               in the larger ducts. In addition, the oval adipose cells (10) are seen scattered in
               the connective tissue.

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