Page 708 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 708

nephrons  passes  through  the  uriniferous  and  collecting  tubules  of  the

                 kidneys,  it  undergoes  significant  changes  in  its  content  and  volume
                 producing concentrated urine, containing metabolic waste products. The cells
                 of the proximal convoluted tubules show deep infoldings of the basal cell
                 membrane,  between  which  are  located  elongated  mitochondria  and  lateral
                 membrane  interdigitations  with  neighboring  cells.  These  features  are

                 characteristic  of  cells  involved  in  active  transport  of  molecules  and
                 electrolytes from the filtrate across the cell membrane into the interstitium.
                 The mitochondria supply the necessary ATP (energy) for active transport of

                 sodium by Na /K  ATPase (sodium pump) that is located in the basolateral
                 regions of the cell membrane.
                     Reabsorption that is both active and passive of most of the substances

                 from the glomerular filtrate takes place in the proximal convoluted tubules,
                 which receive the glomerular ultrafiltrate from the capsular (urinary) space of
                 the  Bowman  capsule.  As  the  glomerular  filtrate  enters  the  proximal
                 convoluted  tubules,  all  glucose,  proteins,  and  amino  acids;  almost  all
                 carbohydrates; and about 75% to 85% of water and sodium chloride ions are

                 absorbed  from  the  glomerular  filtrate  into  the  surrounding  interstitium  and
                 peritubular capillaries. The presence of long and closely spaced microvilli
                 (brush  border)  on  proximal  convoluted  tubule  cells  greatly  increases  the

                 surface area and facilitates absorption of the filtered material. In addition, the
                 proximal convoluted tubules secrete certain metabolites, hydrogen, ammonia,
                 dyes, and drugs such as penicillin from the body into the glomerular filtrate.
                 The metabolic waste products urea and uric acid remain in the filtrate of the
                 proximal convoluted tubules and are eliminated from the body in the urine.

                 Loops of Henle

                 The  descending  and  ascending  loops  of  Henle  of  the  juxtaglomerular
                 nephrons  are  long,  extend  deep  into  the  medulla,  and  have  different
                 permeabilities  and  different  functions.  As  a  result,  hypertonic  urine  is

                 produced  in  the  tubules  by  an  osmotic  gradient  in  the  surrounding
                 interstitium from the cortex of the kidney to the tips of the renal papillae.
                 Sodium chloride and urea are transported and concentrated in the interstitial

                 tissue  of  the  kidney  medulla  by  means  of  a  complex  countercurrent
                 multiplier system,  which  creates  a  high  interstitial  osmolarity  deep  in  the
                 medulla. The descending loop of Henle is permeable to water but much less
                 to sodium chloride, whereas the thin ascending limb is permeable to sodium

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