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126                                                                Chapter 3

        3.1.10  Poynting’s Theorem and Circuit Analysis

        Now, let us illustrate with simple examples how Pointing’s theorem works. From the electric
        circuit course, we know that the inductor, capacitors, and resistors (introduced in Chapter 2) are
        the fundamental lumped elements of digital and analog circuits. Historically all these circuitry
        elements came from  low-frequency  applications.  Then step by step the  equivalent circuit
        presentations based on them  expanded at  much  higher frequencies and became practically
        useful for analysis at any frequencies up to the frequencies of the optical spectrum.

        The intimate relationship between the EM stored or dissipated energy, and the lumped circuitry
        element parameters lead to a much better understanding of circuit theory as well as Maxwell’s
        equations. Poynting’s theorem tells us that any physical element or any part of it where the
        stored electrical energy much exceeds the magnetic one behaves mostly as a capacitor. The
        element with a contrariwise combination of energy acts primarily as an inductance. Moreover,
        from Maxwell’s equations  follow that the instantaneous electric fields are the source of
        instantaneous  magnetic  fields  and  vs.  making  electric  and  magnetic  fields  are  almost
        inseparable. Therefore, there are no real inductors, capacitors, or resistors at any frequency
        except DC. For example, in the case of time-varying fields the correct equivalent circuit of any
        capacitor must include small but nonzero inductor and resistor, etc.

        Multiple numerical  methods of complex electromagnetic problems solution  are based  on
        analysis of an array of  three-dimensional  lumped elements interconnected in  a  multiport
        network. Typically, the lumped element values for each network node are calculated using the
        Poynting’s theorem. The resistivity, capacitance and inductance concept built on the energy
        conservation law gives us the opportunity to develop  efficient  numerical techniques for
        Maxwell’s equations solution breaking complicated structures into essential small parts (spatial
        discretization). Building the equivalent circuit of material bodies and surrounding them free
        space is extremely general and requires the knowledge of only electrical/magnetic fields and
        medium parameters ,  ,  .
        We are going to discuss this matter detailly in following chapters. Now, let illustrate only the
        potent application of the energy concept following from Poynting’s theorem for circuit elements
        as a capacitor, inductance and the effect of mutual coupling between circuit elements. Keep in
        mind that all results below will be based on the quasistatic approximation of electric potential
        and current.

        3.1.11  Concept of Capacitance

        We start by considering a charged  parallel  plate capacitor  shown in Figure 3.1.10a. This
        capacitor consists of two parallel metallic disks of equal area  =   at the distance d. Each
        disk carries a charge of magnitude Q while a dielectric with constant   occupies the gap and
        entire space outside. When the gap  ≪  the most part of E-fields is evidently concetrated
        between the plates, and only the small energy portion settles in the exterior or fringe electric
        fields (see Figure 3.1.10b). If so, the electric field distribution between plates can be asumed as
        close to uniform that Figure 3.1.10a dermonstrates.
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