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Chapter 5                                                               263

            −  where the constants   are defined the line lengths inside the TTD units (see Figure
                 2                  1,2
            5.5.5). Then according to (5.32) in uv-coordinates, i.e.  = sin cos and  = sin sin,

                                      sin�(+1)  (−  )/2� sin�(+1)  (−  )/2� ⎫
                       (, ) = () ∙  ∙  (+1)sin (  (−  )/2) ⎪
                                      (+1)sin (  (−  )/2)       (5.108)
                          = sin   cos   =  /   ⎬

                          = sin   sin   =  /   ⎪
                                       Since the angles (  ,   ) are the given parameter we
                                       can find the required length   and   of line in the TTD
                                       units connected to each radiator in the array. Figure  5.6.2
                                       illustrates the family of normalized pattern developed by the
                                       uniform 10x10 elements planar array of Huygens’ radiators
                                       and its scan performance while    = 0° − 300° with the
                                       step 60° in Figure 5.6.2a and    = −60° − (+60°) with
                                       the step  20° in Figure 5.6.2b. A quick look at  these plots
                                       reveals that the uv-coordinates well represent 3D patterns and
                 Figure 5.6.3 Line of   map out the beam steering. Let us refer to Figure  5.6.3.
                constant elevation and   According to (5.32)  / = tan   and  +  = sin . If
                 azimuth angle in uv-  so,  any  straight  line  crossing  the  coordinate  origin
                     coordinates       corresponds to  = . while any circle of radii < 1 and
                                       the center at the origin relates to  = .  That is why the
            patterns in Figure 5.6.2a “sing and dance in a ring” while the patterns in Figure 5.6.2b “line up
            for a military parade.” Note that the expressions in (5.33) allow us to return to patterns in
            elevation and azimuth coordinates.

            Meanwhile, expressions (5.106) and (5.107) demonstrate that the planar array analysis might
            be practically reduced to the study of two linear arrays. The elements of the first one are a
            common set of single radiators in each row or column while the second one is a configuration
            where the role of the single radiator is performed by this row or column. In other words, we
            may extend many ideas from Section 5.5 and 5.6 to planar arrays.

            A planar array can be arranged in a broad variety of elemental radiators or their assembly.
            The unidirectional ones are preferable.
            A planar array beamwidth and position of pattern zeroes can be adequately controlled by

                                                       SLL = -13dB        SLL = -23dB
                    SLL = -13dB

                                              a)                                 b)

                 Figure 5.6.4 Planar array pattern: a) uniform excitation, b) One plane sinus-tapered

            the number of elements in the array and inter-element separation. More precisely, both variables
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