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Advanced Education Program
Opportunities Threats
1. Government’s policies on 1. Indigenous environment (i.e.
SWOT Analysis: improvement of higher cost, resources)
Advanced Education Program education research to 2. Internationalization and
promote economic globalization trends in higher
productivity and innovation education (i.e. cost, resources)
2. Tie-up with UP-Open
University (UPOU) for DE
Strengths (How strengths can be used to (How strengths can be used to
1. Quality programs as xploit opportunities?) ward off threats?)
evidenced by the
accreditation of all Strategies to intensify Integrate indigenous
accreditable programs by research activities in all the knowledge, systems and
AACCUP; curricular programs, both in practices (IKSP) in the
2. Operational open distance the local and ODETE curricula and academic
and transnational programs activities of graduate
education Explore how tie-up with programs, local and ODETE.
UPOU helps in improving the Invest in the
operation of the ODETE internationalization of the
programs. programs
Weaknesses (How opportunities can be used (How the University could
1. Few RD outputs mitigate weaknesses?) minimize weaknesses and avoid
commercialized/utilized by Review, update and monitor threats?)
industries and/or other implementation of policies More activities to entice/
beneficiaries related to intensive motivate faculty to do research
2. Publication of researches improvement of research in work (including publication,
in CHED-recognized HE to promote economic commercialization, etc.)
journals productivity and innovation Close tie-up with the PLGU,
LGUs and other related NGAs
for resource-sharing to meet
demands of conserving
cultural heritage; tie-up with
international universities/
organizations to meet
demands for internationaliza-
tion and globalization