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Research Program
Opportunities Threats
1. Government’s policies on 1. Indigenous environment (i.e.
SWOT Analysis: improvement of higher cost, resources)
Research Program education research to 2. Internationalization and
promote economic globalization trends in higher
productivity and innovation education (i.e. cost, resources)
2. Government priorities in 3. Government laws and
agriculture and industry priorities on climate change,
3. Available partners for risk reduction, etc. (i.e. cost,
research opportunities and resources)
resource-sharing (i.e. LGUs’
Strengths (How strengths can be used to (How strengths can be used to
1. Several research outputs exploit opportunities?) ward off threats?)
2. Presentation of research Review and update reward Integrate indigenous
outputs in various fora policies of the University for knowledge, systems and
patenting, copyrighting and practices (IKSP) in the
other research outputs of curricula and academic
employees activities of graduate
Promote/encourage programs, local and ODE-TE.
researches that will directly Invest in the internationaliza-
promote economic tion of the programs
productivity and innovation
(i.e. agriculture, industry,
LGU’s OTOP, etc.)
Weaknesses (How opportunities can be used (How the University could
1. Few RD outputs mitigate weaknesses?) minimize weaknesses and avoid
commercialized/utilized by Review and update policies threats?)
industries and/or other for research and employee Strategies to entice
beneficiaries performance management researchers to commercialize
2. Publication of researches to ensure faculty members or disseminate research
in CHED-recognized to do research outputs
journals Improve links with agencies to
share resources for the
conservation of culture and
internationalization efforts of
the University.