Page 58 - Area 10 - Relevant Document
P. 58


            Support to Operations
            General Administration and Support Services

                                                       Opportunities                         Threats

                                             1.   Government’s   policies   on          Indigenous  environment  (i.e.  cost,
            SWOT Analysis:                       sustained   economic   growth,     resources)
            STO and GASS                         social and human development   2.  Internationalization       and
                                                                                   globalization   trends   in   higher
                                                                                   education (i.e. cost, resources)
                                                                               3.  Trends   on   ICT,   environmental
                                                                                   quality  and  sustainable  use  of
                                                                                   resources, etc.  (i.e. cost, resources)

                        Strengths            (How strengths can be used to exploit  (How strengths can be used to ward off
            (STO)                            opportunities?)                   threats?)
            1.   Administration’s     strong

                support  to  faculty  and  staff   STO                         STO & GASS
                welfare  and  development  that     Strategies to increase support to    Use   partnership   with   other
                led  to  good  profile  of  faculty   faculty  and  staff  welfare  and      agencies  and  organizations,  local
                members                          development,  collaborate  with   and  abroad, to share resources for
            2.  Regular  review  of  curricular   industries and the government to   support   services   needing   the
                programs;    High    student             enhance  curricula  to  increase   promotion  of  culture  and  related
                satisfaction in student services   employability  of  graduates,  how   internationalization activities of the
            3.  Establishment     of     the                     international   programs/  University
                international relations office   services  of  the  university  could
            4.  Infrastructure facilities in place   improve  the  employability  of
                for students to use              graduates  abroad,  and  funding
            (GASS)                               and improving the facilities of the
            1.   Resource-sharing       with            University;  and  enhancement  of
                partners                         student      welfare      and
            2.  Consistent compliance to Good    development
                Governance Conditions        GASS
            3.  SUC  Level  III  and  PRIME-HRM     Use  reputation  to  source-out
                Level II                         resources from government thru
            4.  Land disputes resolution         partnership

                       Weaknesses            (How  opportunities  can  be  used  to  (How  the  University  could  minimize
            (STO)                            mitigate weaknesses?)             weaknesses and avoid threats?)

            1.   No QMS certification (i.e. ISO)     Strategies   to   improve   the            Prioritize activities accordingly
            (GASS)                               prioritization of needed activities
            1.   Low absorptive capacity         such  as  the  QMS  certification,
            2.  No integrated info. Systems      improvement  of  the  absorptive
            3.  Low income from IGPs             capacity, etc.

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