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P. 57


            Extension  Program

                                                     Opportunities                        Threats
                                            1.  Government’s  policies  on  1.  Indigenous  environment  (i.e.
            SWOT Analysis:                     increase    of   community         cost, resources)
            Extension Program                  engagement                    2.  Internationalization      and
                                            2.  Available   partners     for          globalization  trends  in  higher
                                               extension    activities   and       education (i.e. cost, resources)
                                               resource-sharing (i.e. LGUs’  3.  Government      laws      and
                                               one-town-one-product,            priorities  on  climate  change,
                                               partnership with the LGUs to     risk  reduction,  etc.    (i.e.  cost,
                                               address poverty)                 resources)

            Strengths                       (How  strengths  can  be  used  to  (How  strengths  can  be  used  to
            1.  Active  partnership  with  exploit opportunities?)           ward off threats?)

            2.  Increasing  beneficiaries  of    Strengthen        existing            Use  partnership  with  other
                extension services             partnerships;  Forge  new        agencies  and  organizations,
                                               partnership    with    other     local  and  abroad,  to  share
                                               agencies (i.e. LGUs, etc.)       resources     for    extension
                                                                                activities    needing      the
                                                                                promotion  of  culture  and
                                                                                related    internationalization
                                                                                activities of the University

            Weaknesses                      (How opportunities can be used  (How     the    University   could
            1.  Few  faculty  and  students  to mitigate weaknesses?)        minimize  weaknesses  and  avoid
                involved    in   extension           Create   opportunities   for   threats?)
                activities                     faculty  and  students  to         Review  policies  and  programs
            2.  Visibility of the University in   volunteer  and  be  involved   to  reward  or  recognize  faculty
                the communities                actively    in     extension             and  students  to  do  extension
            3.  Volunteerism        among         activities                    and volunteer works
                faculty and students

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