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8                                                                  THE PYRAMID                                                      Thursday, November 2, 2017

     Fairview museum to host tree festival                                             Two car accident

       FAIRVIEW--It’s    time!!
     Sanpete businesses, families,
     and individuals can plan their                                                    sends one to hospital
     theme-decorated Christmas
     tree for the Fairview Museum
     Tree Festival.
       Not only will the unique                                                          SANPETE COUNTY — On  truck. Rushton’s passenger  belt caused injury to her
     trees be donated to families in                                                   Oct. 26, at approximately  side front bumper made  shoulder and hip. She also
     need, but also, the public can                                                    4:30 p.m., two vehicles were  contact with the truck’s  had injury to her right knee.
     enjoy the lighted display at the                                                  both traveling northbound  driver side front door caus- Rushton was transported by
     Horizon (Mammoth) Build-                                                          on State Road 132, near  ing a collision.          ambulance to Central Valley
     ing either during open hours,                                                     Fountain Green. The vehi-   Sullivan stated that Rush- Medical Center, Nephi. Her
     which will changed Nov. 1 to                                                      cle, a Geo Prizm, driven by  ton’s passenger side tires  vehicle was towed by Shep’s
     Noon to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Sat-                                                     Terra Rushton, 18, Spanish  left the roadway causing the  Towing, Mt. Pleasant.
     urdays; or drive by the huge                                                      Fork, was attempting to pass  vehicle to tip up onto just its   The truck had damage
     window display anytime.                                                           a Ford F350 towing a trailer  driver side tires. As the vehi- to the undercarriage and
       Trees should be set up, in-                                                     loaded with an ATV, driven  cle departed the road to the  driver side front door. The
     cluding donor’s name, by Nov.                                                     by James Sullivan, 45, Lake  left it dropped o  into a small  driver had already made ar-
     17, or earlier, for public delight.                                               Shore.                    ditch and caused the vehicle  rangements for a tow. S&L
       If more trees are donated                                                         The truck was slowing to  to drop back down onto all  Automotive, Spanish Fork,
     than the set minimum, trees                                                       make a left hand turn onto  four tires.            responded and picked up
     may  be  purchased  by  indi-                                                     Log Canyon road when        Rushton’s airbags de- the truck. None of the occu-
     viduals or businesses with                                                        Rushton was nearing the  ployed causing injury to  pants in the truck reported
     the proceeds donated to the  Leah Larsen, Fairview, stands by the tree donated to her   driver side front door of the  her face and neck. The seat  any injuries.
     museum.                    last Christmas when an extra festival tree turned up and the
       For more information call  museum volunteers selected the 94-year-old granddaughter
     the Fairview Museum at 427-  of Peter and Celestia Peterson to be the recipient. Leah left
     9216, Branch Cox, 469-1369;   the pretty “Candy Cane” tree up all year long so that not
     or Rinda Thompson, 435-851-  only she could enjoy its glowing company, but also friends   FALL BACK         ages by making sure to have  AAA batteries for TV remotes
                                and family who visited her were thrilled with the beautiful
     6087.                      conversation piece.                                    From A1                   several working fl ashlights  and video game controllers.
                                                                                                                 with fresh batteries. Then   Laptop and cell phone.
                                                                                                                 if the power goes out, it can  Review laptop and cell phone
                                                                                         Auto battery. Harsh, cold  also be helpful to have a work- battery capacities and make
      ACT                         NSHS Class of ’68 to                                 weather is coming and it af- ing battery-powered radio to  sure to use proper charging

      From A1                                                                          fects auto batteries more than  monitor weather conditions. and storage techniques.
                                                                                                                                            Garage door opener.
                                                                                                                   Clocks. When turning the
                                                                                       any other engine component.
      score should prove helpful as   hold 50th reunion                                Engines require more crank- clocks backward one hour as  Clean  the battery contacts
      you pursue your education and                                                    ing amps and a weak battery  daylight saving time ends, it’s  in the remote control before
      career goals.”                                                                   is less e  cient, which reduces  a good idea to install new bat- inserting the new batteries.
       The  ACT is a curricu-       MT. PLEASANT—Com- by Friday, Nov. 10. Informa-     their charge acceptance and  teries, too.          Nobody likes to get out in the
      lum-based achievement exam   mittee members of the North  tion can be emailed to Duane   ability to start an engine.  Cordless tools. Overuse  rain or snow to open the ga-
      that measures what students   Sanpete High School Class of  Hansen at hansendph@   Smoke and carbon mon- can drain the battery down  rage because the remote has
      have learned in school. Stu-  1968 are currently fi nalizing; or by text to (919)   oxide detectors. Every home  to the point it stops work- failed.
      dents who earn a 36-compos-  plans for their 50  class re- 971-9590.             needs working smoke and  ing, which can damage the   Key-less  entry.  Check
      ite score have likely mastered all   union. The reunion will be   A link has been provided to   carbon monoxide alarms.  battery. Periodically charge  all weak-powered key-less
      of the skills and knowledge they   held June 9 at Warren and  add information at: https://  Batteries should be changed  it overnight for optimum run  entry devices. Manufactur-
      will need to succeed in fi rst-  Lorraine Bailey’s farm near  twice a year.          time and life.           ers recommend changing the
      year college courses in the core   Moroni.           ment/d/1WnzmVwKe5t-           Flashlights  and  radio.   Audio and video re- battery in most standard key
      subject areas.                The committee is seeking  BR9TdwWeiYtMU71ki-       Prepare for storm power out- motes. Stock up on AA and  fobs once every year.
       ACT scores are accepted by   email addresses and or phone  jcHyTqWWU8_Eob-A/
      all major four-year colleges and   numbers for class members  edit?usp=sharing.        
      universities across the U.S.

        Good Luckck
        Good Lu

                       with your surgery Dave!

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