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Thursday, November 2, 2017                                         THE PYRAMID                                                                             5

     Sharing Wasatch Academy’s learning services approach

       MT. PLEASANT — Wasatch  gatherings” in the world and
     Academy was recently honored  brings together profession-
     to have Kara Loftin speak at the  als, researchers, and families
     Pacific Rim International Con- to give a voice to those faced
     ference in Hawaii. During her  with learning disabilities. It
     presentation, Loftin discussed  also provides an environment
     problems students with ADHD  to create action plans to meet
     and dyslexia face, their unique  human and social needs.
     cognitive profile and how de-  Kara Loftin is the assistant
     veloping executive function  head of school for academic
     skills opens up their learning  support at Wasatch Academy
     capacity.                  and  provides  academic  as-
       Highlights of the presenta- sessments and support in the
     tion included understanding  areas of reading and writing,
     specific executive functions  executive function skills, and
     that are common in ADHD and  student-centered learning.
     dyslexia, identifying strategies   Additionally, Loftin creates
     and tools to develop a student’s  individualized student success
     executive function skills, and  profiles and develops and plans
     describing different approaches  all learning services program-  Wasatch Academy offers seven learning services to help students, including academic coaching, English Language Learner (ELL)
     to target interventions for exec- ming. She is certified through   academic coaching, content tutoring, customized learning plan, learning strategies class, targeted learning support and the
                                                          Wilson reading system.
     utive function skills.     the International Dyslexia As-
       The Pacific Rim Interna- sociation and Wilson reading
     tional Conference is consid- system as a dyslexia special- in special education from the  rado.           Academy’s Learning Services  org/academics/learning-ser-
     ered one of the most “diverse  ist. Loftin is pursuing a Ph.D.  University of Northern Colo-  To learn more about Wasatch  visit: http://wasatchacademy. vices.

     Ask an expert: What is digging

     up my yard? The nose knows!

     TERRY MESSMER              of rabies. This disease is wide- such as discharging firearms  line of defense and is one of the
     USU Extension              spread in the skunk population  within city limits.  most persistent and offensive
       LOGAN — In recent weeks,  throughout Utah.              n The  best control for  odors in nature. A diluted solu-
     there have been a flood of calls   The incubation period — the  skunks around buildings is pre- tion of vinegar or tomato juice
     and emails about mysterious  period of time between expo- vention. Do not allow them to  can be used to remove most of
     divots and diggings in flower  sure to a disease and the onset  become established in or under  the odor from pets, people and
     beds and lawns. Most look like  of clinical signs — for rabies can  buildings. All holes in founda- clothing.
     a small hole or divot caused by  vary greatly. The typical incu- tions or other points of possi-  Clothing can also be soaked   Crazy Hair Day was celebrated at Spring City Elementary
     an errant golfer.          bation period is three to eight  ble entry should be sealed using  in weak solutions of ammo-  during Red Ribbon Week at the school. Students showed some
       In reality, the culprit may  weeks, but it can be as little as  sheet metal, cement, hardware  nia. If the mishap occurs while   real creativity with various hairdos.
     be none other than the striped  nine days or as long as several  cloth or bricks.  camping, clothing can be
                                                                                         n Walls, rooms or other ar- Spring City Elementary
     skunk (Mephitis mephitis),  years in some rare cases.     n If a skunk is already estab- smoked over a juniper fire.
     the largest and most common   The length an infected an- lished under a building, seal all
     skunk in Utah. It is about the  imal is actually transmissi- openings but one. Sprinkle a  eas that have been sprayed by a
     size of a large house cat and  ble also varies, ranging from  two-foot square patch of flour  skunk can be treated with nu-  observes Red Ribbon Week
     weighs four to five pounds.  three days to two weeks before  in front of the opening. Check  etroleum alpa. If the chemical
       Striped skunks are black with  the onset of symptoms. Once  the flour patch two-to-three  is not available through local   SPRING  CITY—Elemen- domestic violence who may
     two broad, white stripes run- symptoms appear, the disease  hours after dark for tracks.  cleaning supply stores, check   tary students in Spring City  also be wounded both phys-
     ning from the back of the head  will normally kill the infected   If the tracks show that the  on-line. Also, many cleaning   recently observed Red Rib- ically and emotionally, the
     to the tip of the large, bushy tail. animal within a few days.  skunk has left, immediately seal  stores now have specific prod-  bon Week. Last Tuesday the  color is meant to be a symbol
       The scent of a skunk can send     n Diseased animals may  the opening. When the skunk  ucts to remove the odor.  students and staff wore red  of peace, courage, survival,
     a quick wave of panic through  display abnormal behavior  returns and cannot get back     n If a person happens to get   clothing to help launch the  honor, and dedication to end-
     anyone. It is this lingering scent  such as a staggering, blunder- in, it will leave the area. This  sprayed in the eyes, they will   drug  prevention  campaign.  ing violence.
     that provides the first clues as  ing walk, aggression toward  method should not be used in  most likely experience a burn-  In  conjunction  with  the  red   It was a crazy day Thursday
     to what happened. In addition  people or animals or daylight  April, May or June since young  ing sensation and temporary   clothing,  150  red  and  white  when students and staff came
     to being infamous for spraying  activity. Skunks displaying  skunks may be present and  blindness. Rinse eyes with cold   helium balloons were released. to school with crazy hair. There
     when threatened, this noctur- such abnormal behavior may  could be sealed in.  water to hasten the recovery.  To acknowledge Domestic  was a lot of creativity in many
     nal mammal can cause a host of  be rabid and should be avoided     n To discourage a wander-    n In spite of the problems   Violence Awareness Month,  of the hairdos.
     other problems.            or destroyed.             ing skunk from digging up the  they can cause, skunks are large   students and staff wore purple.   We hope there was no sleep-
     Consider this information       n Spotted skunks are pro- lawn in its search for grubs, use  consumers of harmful pests   The color purple comes from  ing in class Friday, even though
          n Skunks will dig up lawns,  tected and classed as furbearers  carbaryl or trichlorfon. Always  such as cutworms, armyworms,   the  U.S.  military,  where  the  students came wearing paja-
     golf courses and other sodded  and are managed by the Utah  wear rubber gloves and rubber  grasshoppers, white grubs and   Purple Heart is presented to  mas. The school appreciates
     areas in search of white grubs  Division of Wildlife Resources  boots when applying insecti- field mice.  those who have been wounded  the PTA and parents who sup-
     and earthworms. They are also  by regulated trapping seasons.  cides to turfgrass.    n For more information on   while serving. For survivors of  ported them this week.
     predators of waterfowl and  Striped  skunks  can  be  taken   Make sure to irrigate the lawn  how to cope with skunks in the
     game bird nests and can be  year-round without a license.  with at least a half-inch of wa- area, contact a local county ex-
     found raiding backyard poultry   However, they may be taken  ter, and allow the grass to dry  tension agent for a copy of the
     houses and stealing eggs.  at any time without a hunting  before allowing people or pets  extension  bulletin, “Skunks,”
          n Skunks are of public  or furbearer license and by any  onto the treated area.  or visit the extension website
     health concern because they  method, provided local laws     n A skunk’s odor is its best  at
     are  the  major  wildlife  carrier  and ordinances are not violated,

     Flag football league

       MT. PLEASANT — In flag  kara defeated 180 Fitness 38-
      football action this week, Far  33; and Far West Construction
      West Construction defeated  over Tejada’s
      Total Coverage Painting 34- 1. 180 Fitness .................6-1
      12; 180 Fitness beat Tejada’s  2. Wakara ..................... 4-2
      57-6;                     3. Far West Constr. ........ 4-2
       The Buzzards over Wakara  4. The Buzzards ..............3-3
      26-14; The Buzzards beat To- 5. Total Coverage Paint ... 2-4
      tal Coverage Painting 7-0; Wa- 6. Tejada’s ....................0-6

                    Mt. Pleasant City
                Part-time Help Wanted

         Mt. Pleasant City is currently accepting applications
          for a part-time School Crossing Guard. Applicants
          must be 18 years old and must be able to pass a
         background check in order to be considered. Shifts
         will be from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 2:15-3:15 p.m., five
         days per week during the school year. Days off will
        include those days schools are not in session during
          the school year. Wage is negotiable. Applications
         available on the city’s website,,
          or at Mt. Pleasant City Hall, 115 West Main Street.
        Applications for this position will be accepted at the
           Mt. Pleasant City Hall until the position is filled.
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