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6 THE PYRAMID Thursday, November 2, 2017
Lady Hawks lose to thorny foe, take second in state volleyball
Pyramid Sports
OREM — The Lady Hawks
of North Sanpete ended their
improbable season this past
Thursday in a three-set loss
against the Morgan Trojans in
the 3A state fi nal game.
After securing a region
co-championship, the Lady
Hawks defeated their fi rst
three opponents in the state
championship tournament and
brought the second-place tro-
phy home to put in the display
case at North Sanpete High
(Photo courtesy of Je Ericksen)
While the result wasn’t quite Janessa Eliason goes low to get a ball during the state
what the team hoped for, get- volleyball tournament against Morgan’s Lady Trojans.
ting anywhere near that point
was very much in doubt just a
month ago. After two losses in has been the real nemesis of groove, and the passing from
the fi rst half of the region sea- North Sanpete the last four back row players like Janessa
son, North Sanpete had to go years. Although expected to Eliason and Ti any Peckham,
undefeated the rest of the way. go further a couple of those all served to put North Sanpete
The Lady Hawks did just that years, the Lady Hawks have in control and resulted in a 25-
and were on a roll heading into been defeated in the second 18 fi rst set.
the tourney. game of the opening day. This The serve-receive game of (Photo courtesy of Je Ericksen)
North Sanpete’s fi rst salvo time North Sanpete faced o the Hawks struggled much of Lady Hawk senior players accept the second place trophy during the state volleyball
came against Providence Hall against a familiar foe, the San the fi rst half of the year, and tournament held at Utah Valley University. The team lost to a tough foe, the Morgan Lady
at the Utah Community Credit Juan Broncos. The Blanding although it progressively got Trojans. Players are (left to right): Kelsie Nielson, Shelby Ison, Madisyn Allred, Alyssa Ericksen,
Union (UCCU) arena on the team was the last to defeat the better, continued to be a trial to and Janessa Eliason. Alyssa Ericksen and Shelby Ison were also recognized as Academic All-
campus of Utah Valley Uni- Lady Hawks in region play, and the end. Unable to put together State recipients during the state competition.
versity. The new private school although San Juan lost to North a string of good passes, the play
in Herriman had never been Sanpete a couple of weeks ago, of the Lady Hawks stuttered the Broncos 25-15 and 25-21 The Lady Hawks knew that this who had seen a lot of success
to the state playo s, and the the Broncos were still a danger- and looked much like it did ear- to “get the monkey o their would be their toughest match during their high school ten-
teams’ inexperience showed. ous foe for the Sanpete squad lier in the year. The result was back” as Coach Rickie Stewart so far in the tourney. ure. The Trojans are also led by
The Patriots were clearly out- to face. a disappointing, and worrying expressed it, and stayed in the By now, the number of fans coach, Liz Wiscombe, who has
matched in the opening round Lady Broncos 25-14 loss. championship bracket for day in support of the Sanpete vol- 15 championships at Morgan
matchup. Led by senior hit- Opening strong against San With over 100 fans in the two. leyball team had swelled, and High, and another six as the
ters, Shelby Ison and Madisyn Juan, the Lady Hawks took on student section, and several Lady Cougars the crowd for both teams was coach at Delta.
Allred, as well as the setting the Lady Broncos using all of dozen more from the commu- The foe for North Sanpete a boisterous one. It was the After a two-hour delay, the
of senior Alyssa Ericksen, the their tools. The middle hit- nity there to cheer them on, in the semifi nal round was the Cougar faithful making all of fi nal match of the season for
Lady Hawks stepped easily into ters, Aubrey Ison and Kelsie North Sanpete regrouped for Union Cougars. The Roosevelt the noise after the fi rst set be- both teams was ready to be-
round two with a 25-11, 25-14, Nielson, as well as better hit- the next two sets. Although team went undefeated in its re- cause their team was looking gin. The two teams came out
25-7 victory. ting from outside hitter, Linzy there was a tight fourth set, gion and came into this match very good in a 25-18 opening of the northeast corner of the
The second round of state Flinders, all began to fi nd their the Lady Hawks defeated with a 13-game winning streak. victory. arena, through the haze of a fog
The two teams battled back- machine and into spotlights
and-forth with neither squad swirling around the court. Each
able to open much of a gap. The player was introduced, and af-
lead changed several times and ter a beautiful rendition of the
the score was last tied at 22. At national anthem was sung, it
24-23, and Union serving, the was time to determine the fi -
Lady Hawks were able to get the nal victor.
last and deciding point to take The Lady Hawks seemed
the second set. North Sanpete shell-shocked early, and Mor-
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also took the third set, this time gan showed why they hadn’t
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801-7084 1996 LeBaron GTC, con- it. Please call Brad Hansen quits yet. The Cougars showed Despite the large crowd of
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Barnes Bullets - Now Hir- F150, 4 dr, 4x4. $4,450. 851-0540. team to beat during the sea- pete still struggled. A large
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an application please visit Old newspapers for wrap- sharpening, and more, 58 E 25-23. the student body, but once
our website at www.barnes- Any Condition ping or fire building avail- 300 N, Ephraim. Call 435- The fi fth set is a race to 15 again the Lady Hawks couldn’t Ap- Running or Not able at The Pyramid office, points, so every point is cru- get any traction and dropped
plications need to be sent 86 W. Main, Mt. Pleasant. 654-8807 or 435-654-8808. cial. North Sanpete raced out the second set, 25-11.
to or On the Side Paint--
faxed to 435-856-1040. Merchandise to a 7-3 lead, but after a Union It wasn’t until the third set
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Rentals Frigidaire Chest Freezer, call Juan Vazquez at to take the lead. That advan- get going and by that time the
approx. 13 cubic feet of tage was short-lived, but both pressure was o the Trojans.
Bedroom with bathroom for space. Good condition, reli- (435) 469-0095
rent, $350 per month, PORSCHE able. $80. Call (435) 462- teams battled hard until the The Lady Hawks hung tough
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pets. Call (435) 427-9361 77-89: Turbos, Cabriolets Couch & Love Seat $75., modeling. Over 20 years Lady Trogans tough pill to swallow, the Lady
or (435) 469-1807. Washer $60., Entertain- experience. Don't Pay Con-
ment center $75., Table tractor Prices! Let me know. The Morgan Trojans had de- Hawks came a long way during
and chairs, lots of misc. For a Free Estimate, call feated the Richfi eld Wildcats the 2017 season and should be
In Mt. Pleasant, nice one Brad (435) 851-0540.
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month, includes power, or (435) 469-1501. Specialized mobile welding the championship bracket. The ments. In addition to the many
sewer and water. Newly- Sell Your Stuff! Get rid of and repairs. Aluminum, Trojans had a lot of experience victories, North Sanpete also
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Available now. Deposit re- MERCEDES classified ad? Please call to small. Professional qual- ing won the past two years, nized as Academic All-State
quired. Call 435-427-9410. 40's - 70's: 190SL, 230SL, ity and service. Call Mark
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Large cabin, 7 bedrooms, 3 Early Cabriolets, etc. apply. (801) 473-6077. time North Sanpete won a state Alyssa Ericksen and Shelby
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RV hookup spaces for rent. Two free male cockatiels. gan Trojans. Morgan also had the start of the championship
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