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       An Edition of the                  |                                                 Thursday, November 2, 2017  •  Vol. 125, No. 44  •  75 cents
     Japanese drumming comes to Casino Star Theatre

       GUNNISON — Salt Lake City- cision.
     based TAIKO BOOM!, a group of   One of the first uses of taiko was
     percussionists  and  performers  as a battlefield instrument to in-
     dedicated to helping people learn  timidate and frighten the enemy,
     about their art-form will perform,  a use for drums in many cultures,                                                          Time to ‘fall
     Friday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m., in the Ca- along with shouting and gestur-
     sino Star Theatre, 78 South Main,  ing.
     Gunnison. Tickets available at the   By the 1500s, taiko drums were                                                            back’, change
     door.                         used to issue commands and coor-
       “Taiko,” literally meaning “fat  dinate movements on the battle-                                                             clocks, check
     drum,” is a style of Japanese en- field. Modern taiko as entertain-
     semble drumming that has seen  ment is a post-war phenomenon,
     increasing world-wide popularity  based on ancient traditions, but                                                             batteries
     over the last 50 years.       dating only from 1951.
       Led by Ronald Boisvert, a re-  Those attending this live pro-
     tired Air Force officer who learned  gram at the Casino Star Theatre                                                             MT. PLEASANT — Daylight Saving
     the art while stationed in Tokyo,  might get a chance to bang a drum.                                                          Time ends this weekend. Residents
     TAIKO BOOM!, performs and      The  program is  supported  in                                                                  are  encouraged  to  set  their  clocks
     teaches in Utah and other western  part by a grant from the OnStage                                                            back one hour before retiring Satur-
     states with high energy, physically  Utah program of the Utah Division  Salt Lake City-based TAIKO BOOM!, will perform, Friday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m., in the   day, Nov. 4.
     demanding, crowd-pleasing pre- of Arts and Museums.        Casino Star Theatre, 78 South Main, Gunnison. Tickets available at the door.  Mountain Standard Time officially
                                                                                                                                    begins at 2 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 5. The
                                                                                                                                    reason 2 a.m., was selected as the of-
                                                                                                                                    ficial time, is because it would be the
      Christmas tree permits available Nov. 15                                                                                      least disruptive to people’s schedules.
                                                                                                                                    Most restaurants and bars are closed
                                                                                                                                    by that time and few businesses
                                                                                                                                    would be impacted.
        EPHRAIM — Christmas tree per- years old should accompany the                                                                  It’s a good idea to check and, if need
      mits will be on sale at the Sanpete  fourth grader. Also, the tag cannot                                                      be, change the batteries around the
      District office of the Manti-La Sal  be issued without the presence of                                                        house every six months or so and this
      National Forest beginning Wednes- the fourth grader who has been is-                                                          fall is a good time to check the follow-
      day, Nov.15 until sold out. Permits  sued the EKIP pass. The EKIP pass                                                        ing items to make sure they are oper-
      will be sold for a nominal fee with  can be obtained at https://everyki-                                                      ating properly.
      a limit of three permits per person.
        The office, located at 540 North   The paper pass can be exchanged                                                                    Please see FALL BACK, Page A8
      Main Street, Ephraim, is open week- for a plastic pass at the District Of-
      days from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For  fice, which allows fourth graders free
      customer convenience, permits will  access to federal lands and waters
      also be sold by Choice Hardware &  across the country for a full year.
      Home Center, 1005 N. Main, Nephi.   Those purchasing permits at the
      Permits will not be available by mail  office will need to provide a check,
      or phone order.                exact  change, or a debit or  credit
        Permits purchased on the Sanpete  card. Cash is preferred to allow for
      District must be used on the Sanpete  faster processing. There are no re-
      District, except at places closed to  funds.
      tree cutting. Permits purchased on   The Sanpete District is west of
      other districts of the forest may not  Skyline Drive. The person selling
      be used on the Sanpete District.  tags will issue each purchaser a map
        Fourth graders who have an “Ev- and cutting instructions. Customers                                 SPARKIA — STOCK.ADOBE.COM
      ery Kid in a Park” (EKIP) pass, may  traveling long distances for permits   Christmas tree permits will go on sale Wednesday, Nov. 15 at the Manti-La
      bring the pass to the district office to  should call in advance to determine   Sal National Forest Service office at 540 North Main, Ephraim.
      receive a free Christmas Tree Permit.  if permits are still available.                                                        Benjamin Cottam
      Free permits will be issued until the   Vehicle access, except for snow  may be muddy, snow packed and   For updates on availability, see
      supply is exhausted.           machines, must be confined to es- slick. Be prepared for winter driving
        A parent or guardian at least 18  tablished roads on the forest. Roads  conditions.        and subscribe to RSS feed.       WA student

                                                                                                                                    achieves top

      Safely disposing of unwanted medications                                                                                      ACT score

       MT. PLEASANT — The National Drug Take-                                             It appears that educating people about the   MT. PLEASANT — Benjamin Cot-
      Back Day recently took place in an effort to help                                  dangers of keeping their old medications is   tam, a senior at Wasatch Academy,
      lower the risk of medication misuse by giving                                      helping as the CDC recently reported that Utah   and son of Mark and Miriam Cottam,
      people the opportunity to safely dispose of med-                                   drug overdose deaths are down 10.6 percent for   Wales, has earned the highest possible
      ications.                                                                          the February 2016 to February 2017 year.   ACT composite score of 36.
       While that event has already passed, it’s not                                      In the previous year (February 2015 to Feb-  On average, only around one-tenth
      too late, and citizens across the country are en-                                  ruary 2016) overdose deaths increased in Utah   of one percent of students who take
      couraged to take all unwanted medications to                                       by 13.7 percent, from 606 deaths to 689 deaths.   the ACT earn a top score. In the U.S.
      either a police station or a designated medica-                                    That is considered to be too many deaths.  high school graduating class of 2017,
      tion disposal site to ensure their medication is                                    By properly disposing of unused medica-   only 2,760 out of more than two mil-
      safely disposed.                                                                   tions it eliminates the possibility they will be   lion graduates who took the ACT
       Intermountain community pharmacies offer                                          misused. Many of the unused medications are   earned a composite score of 36.
      safe, secure, and anonymous medication dis-                                        opioids and people need to realize the dangers   The ACT consists of tests in English,
      posal bins throughout the year in collaboration                                    of opioid misuse.                          mathematics, reading and science,
      with Use Only As Directed.                                                          Here are some reasons to properly dispose of   each scored on a scale of 1–36. A stu-
       Anyone can come to an Intermountain com-                                          unwanted medications in a designated disposal   dent’s composite score is the average
      munity pharmacy to dispose of their unwanted                                       site:                                      of the four test scores. The score for
      medication, get helpful information on medica-                                      • Flushing medications down the toilet can   ACT’s optional writing test is reported
      tion safety, and can purchase a naloxone kit to             SANGOIRI — STOCK.ADOBE.COM  affect Utah’s groundwater and fish population.  separately and is not included within
      use in case of opioid overdoses.         Do not flush unwanted medications down the   • Keeping unused medications in a home can   the ACT composite score.
                                               toilet, as it can affect Utah’s groundwater and
       An average of 142 Americans die from opioid   fish population. Instead, take all unwanted   increase risk of theft.            In a letter to Benjamin Cottam rec-
      overdose every day, with a prescription opioid   medications to either a police station or a   • Unused prescription drugs thrown in the   ognizing his exceptional achievement,
      being involved in nearly half of opioid related  designated medication disposal site.  trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally   ACT Chief Executive Officer Marten
      deaths.                                                                           sold.                                       Roorda stated, “Your achievement on
       President Trump has even declared the opioid                                       Intermountain community pharmacy care-    the ACT is significant and rare. While
      crisis a national emergency. Everyone can help  by encouraging patients, friends, family, and  givers are also available to provide education   test scores are just one of multiple
      battle the crisis by disposing of unused medi- co-workers to properly dispose of leftover med- about medications to prevent medication mis-  criteria that most colleges consider
      cations.                                 ications.”                               use. For more information about opioid safety,   when making admission decisions,
       Providing medication disposal bins is one step   Education is a big part of learning to make the  visit  your exceptional ACT composite
      Intermountain Healthcare is taking to decrease  change, from keeping unused meds to disposing   In Sanpete County there are two designated
      opioid related deaths. “The opioid crisis affects  of them. In 2013, Utah ranked fifth in the U.S.  locations for medication disposal. They are:  Please see ACT, Page A1
      all of us,” says David Hasleton, MD, an emer- for drug poisoning deaths with a rate of 21.7 per   1.) Mt. Pleasant Police Department, 115 W.
      gency medicine physician.                100,000 population.                      Main St., (435) 462-2724, Hours: Monday–
       “I have family members and very close friends   That means that every month, 49 Utahns die  Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; closed holidays.
      who have been affected. We all benefit if there are  as a result of a drug poisoning, 82.3 percent of   Manti Clinic Pharmacy, 159 N. Main St., (435)
      fewer opioids left in medicine cabinets. Please  which are accidental or of undetermined intent.  835-4225, Hours:  Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. to   8  08805  93545  5
      help by prescribing less whenever possible and  Of these, 74.8 percent involve opioids.  6 p.m.; closed 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
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