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4 THE PYRAMID Thursday, November 2, 2017
(Photo courtesy of Brooke Allred)
Wasatch Academy Boys Volleyball team took second place in the state championship. Team
(Photo by Brad Bentley) members are (front row left to right): Carter Arris, Logan Hooper, Lucas Roth, Oliver Wood,
Wasatch Academy senior Bevan Butler was one of the students from local schools Avery Wade and Drew Goldsberry. Back row: Coach Tanner Sorensen, Sam Wood, Jack Rozells,
competing in the recent state cross country competition. Butler completed the three-mile Calvin Dines, C.J. Kacmaz, Dheven Duenwald, Maseeh Exeer, and Head Coach Travis Madsen.
course with a time of 19:40.4, which placed him in 44th place for the Tigers.
Cross country athletes
run well at state
SALT LAKE CITY — The in this competitive division Flinders wasn’t even sure
cross country season came to and was fi fteenth overall. that she would be able to
a close with several local run- Without Cheruiyot’s leg in- compete at region due to
ners competing in the state jury, her times this year would a confl ict with a volleyball
competition at Sugar House have been good enough to also match, but it was all worked
Park. Competitors from both put her in the All-State cate- out and the two-sport athlete
Wasatch Academy and North gory. Fortunately for her she fi nished in 10th place at the
Sanpete were in attendance will still have another year of region match.
and performed well. eligibility. Flinders was then able to
For the Wasatch Academy Also just a sophomore, Pu- fi nish in 14th place at state,
Tigers, three young ladies rity Kattam took 24th place beating several of the runners
did a fantastic job running in with a time of 22:35 and will who fi nished ahead of her at
the 2A division. Ashley Lagat, be looked at to continue to region. The young lady fi n-
Sheila Cheruiyot, and Purity improve her time as the next ished with a time of 20:48.5.
Kattam were the Tiger repre- two seasons come through. Two sophomores repre- The Tiger boys’ volleyball team from Wasatch Academy won all but one of their regular season
sentatives. The lone male runner for sented North Sanpete at state. matches and went on to take second at state. Players shown are #1 Oliver Wood, and #12 Lucas
Roth, as they fi nish a team block while #20 Logan Hooper covers for tips. (Photo courtesy of
Ashley Lagat had a great Wasatch Academy was se- Frederick “Orange” Peel, and Brooke Allred)
time of 19:44.9 and that time nior Bevan Butler. Butler Matthew Hindes both have a
was good enough to place her will be the fi rst to say that he lot of running ahead of them
in seventh place and secure didn’t run as well as he hoped. but still did quite well. Peel
herself a spot as an All-State Even so, Butler completed the fi nished the course in 18 min- Tiger boys’ volleyball
runner and is only a soph- course in 19:40.4 which is utes and took 35th place, and
omore this year. Lagat im- an average of 6:35 minutes- Hindes took 49th place fi n-
proved her time by a whop- per-mile over the three-mile ishing in 18:22.9.
ping two minutes over last course. Butler fi nished in 44th The harriers aren’t done takes second at state
year. place for the Tigers. running yet. Several will be
Sheila Cheruiyot has been North Sanpete had three going to Mesa, AZ; the mid-
battling a lower leg tendon- runners competing at state. dle of November to compete
itis injury that has slowed her The lone female was junior, in the Nike Southwest Re- MT. PLEASANT — Wasatch from the Western Division. in the championship match
down the last three weeks of Linzy Flinders, who also is an gional, a massive congrega- Academy Boys Volleyball team Wasatch Academy Tigers beat versus Maeser Academy.
the season, but still the plucky outside hitter for the varsity tion of runners from several began their pre-season with a American Prep Academy of The championship match
junior ran well and fi nished volleyball team for the Lady di erent states. They will run loss at DaVinci High School in Draper in three sets for the was held on Oct. 28. The Ti-
the three-mile course in 21:20 Hawks. on Nov. 18. Ogden but regrouped and went fi rst round victory and a birth gers battled with everything
on to win all but one of their into the semi-fi nals versus the they had but were eventually
regular season matches. DaVinci Dragons. overcome by the larger and
The team, led by senior cap- DaVinci hosted the state more athletic Maeser Lions.
NORBEST, IS SEEKING A MOTIVATED, tains Jack Rozells, Lucas Roth, tournament and were coming The season, as a whole, was a
RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL FOR and Drew Goldsberry, became o of a fi rst round upset of great experience and the team
THE FOLLOWING POSITION: a defensive powerhouse that #1 seeded American Heritage improved immensely from start
Moroni Processing Plant frustrated the big-hitting from the Eastern Division. to fi nish. The Tigers represented
teams of the USSA high school Wasatch Academy overcame Sanpete County well with their
Maintenance Purchasing Manager league. a great DaVinci team and their tenacity, work ethic, and team
The Tigers entered the state home court advantage in the unity which led to a great season
Main job t
Main job tasks and responsibilities:asks and responsibilities: tournament as the #2 seed fi fth and fi nal set to earn a place and a runner up trophy.
Job Summary and Qualifications:
Purchasing Agent for maintenance department is responsible for the general operation of
the Parts Room Inventory control and organization: SANPETE MOVIE GUIDE
• Responsible for general operation of the parts room
• Perform all purchasing for the maintenance department SHOWTIMES FOR: NOV 03 - 09
• Responsible for inventory control SOUTHTOWNE THEATRE 1 & 2
687 s. Main, Ephraim 283-6121
• Oversee general organization and placement of parts and tools
• Assist mechanics with parts and tool check-in and out
• Ability to develop professional working relationships with Parts Room staff
• Ability to create clear perspective for personnel of what is expected; skilled at achieving
those objectives
• Ability to lift and properly move at least 100 lbs.
• Ability to exercise good supervisory judgment “THOR: RAGNAROK” - PG-13 “ONLY THE BRAVE” – PG-13
• Ability to ensure employees work sagely and provide a sage working environment Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston Josh Brolin, Miles Teller
• Ability to understand and interpret statistical reports Showing Nightly: 6:00 8:45 Showing Nightly: 6:15 9:00
Saturday Matinee: 3:15 Saturday Matinee: 3:30
• Must have computer skills; willing to learn new software THOR: RAGNAROK PREMIER SCREENING THURSDAY, NOV 02. 8:45!!
• Knowledge of tools and parts used in manufacturing environment
• Skilled organizer; ability to maintain multiple parts and tools TOWNE THEATRE
21 n. Main, Ephraim 283-4711
• Prior experience working in a maintenance environment preferred
This is a full-time position benefits include: Starring: Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess
Showing Nightly: 7:30
Showing Nightly: 7:30
Health, Dental, Vision, Life insurance, Holiday pay, (8) Personal Time, Vacation, and Saturday Matinee: 4:30 Saturday Matinee: 4:30
680 n. State st., Mt. Pleasant 462-2712
Interested applicants may apply in person at: HR Office 350 S 300 W Moroni Utah 84646
Closed Until Spring 2018!