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Thursday, November 2, 2017                                         THE PYRAMID                                                                             7

                                                                             PUBLIC NOTICE

                                                                   AMENDED MEETING SCHEDULES
                                                                       FOR MT. PLEASANT CITY
                                                             Mt. Pleasant City, in accordance with Utah State
                                                          Code, Chapter 4, 52-4-202(2)(a), the OPEN AND PUB-
                                                          LIC MEETINGS ACT, hereby posts the meeting sched-
                                                          ule for the following:
                NOTICE TO WATER USERS                                   Mt. Pleasant City Council              Mary J.
        The applications below were filed with the Division of    Amended Meeting Schedule for 2017
      Water Rights in Sanpete County. These are informal pro-  Mt. Pleasant City Council announces the meeting sched-  Edmunds
      ceedings per Rule R655-6-2.                         ule for 2017. They will hold the first standard council
        Protests concerning an application must be legibly  meeting of the month at 6:30 P.M. on the second Tues-
      written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of  day of every month. The second standard council meet-  1936~2017
      the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUM-    ing of the month will be held on the fourth Tuesday of
      BER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE                 every month at 4:00 P.M. Meetings are held in the City  ROOSEVELT-- Our
      PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired.         Council Meeting Room at 115 West Main, Mt. Pleasant.  loving mother, daughter,
        Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH           Mt. Pleasant Community Development & Renewal       wife, grandmother, aunt,
      APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with           Agency Amended Meeting Schedule             and sister, Mary June
      the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake  Mt. Pleasant Community Development & Renewal     Brown Edmunds, passed
      City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand delivery to a Division of-  Agency announces the 2017 meeting schedule for their  away Oct. 22, 2017, in
      fice during normal business hours on or before NOVEM-  monthly meetings. The meeting will be held the 2nd  Roosevelt, UT.
      BER 29, 2017.                                       Tuesday of every month. The meeting is held in the City  Mary was born May
        Please visit or call (801)538-7240  Council Meeting room at 115 West Main. The meeting  30, 1936, in Nampa, ID;
      for additional information.                         begins at 6:00 p.m.                                  to her loving parents,
                   CHANGE APPLICATION(S)                           Mt. Pleasant Planning Commission            Maurice and Emily Mary
        51-8687 (a43022): Vincent Mark and Mary Ann Swim               Meeting Schedule for 2017               Brown.
      propose(s) using 1.25 ac-ft from groundwater (Indianola)  The Mt. Pleasant Planning Commission announces its  At age 11, Mary's mother passed away and she was
      for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC.            meeting schedule for 2017. The Planning Commission   blessed to gain a second mother Mattie Timothy, along
        65-3999 (a43024): Pinetree Investments, LLC pro-  will hold their monthly meeting the 3rd Tuesday of every  with five new siblings, who were an integral part of her
      pose(s) using 0.0072 cfs or 2.0 ac-ft from groundwater (5  month. The meeting will be held in the City Council Room  life. Mary attended school in Melba, ID; and Dragerton,
      miles East of Fountain Green) for IRRIGATION; STOCK-  at 115 West Main. The meetings begin at noon.      UT.
      WATERING; DOMESTIC.                                      Municipal Building Authority of Mt. Pleasant      She married the love of her life, Klyn Junior Edmunds,
        65-3995 (a43035): Utah National Parks Council, Inc.,  The Municipal Building Authority of Mt. Pleasant does not  July 3, 1954. Their marriage was later solemnized in the
      propose(s) using 0.0321 cfs or 5.0 ac-ft from groundwa-  have a regular meeting schedule. They meet whenever it  Manti LDS Temple. Together they had four children,
      ter (4 miles SE of Mt Pleasant) for COMMERCIAL: Used  is necessary to approve documents, payments, RFPs  Maurice Klyn (Paula) Edmund, Debra Lynn Walker,
      in a Boy Scout camp.                                etc. Their meetings will be posted on the Utah Public No-  Jenny Lee (David) Clark and Cheree Fern (Kenneth) Wil-
        65-4000 (a43037): Gary D. and Theresa L. Limberg  tice Website and when they are    liams.
      propose(s) using 0.0064 cfs or 1.0 ac-ft from groundwa-  scheduled.                                        Mary had many hobbies that she enjoyed. She was in-
      ter (4 miles South of Spring City) for IRRIGATION;               Mt. Pleasant Library Board              volved in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, she loved the
      STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC.                            The Mt. Pleasant Library Board announces its meeting  outdoors and enjoyed filling her time camping with family,
        65-4004 (a43039): Bryan R. and Heidi N. Sorensen  schedule for 2017. The Mt. Pleasant Library Board will  taking pictures, painting, gardening (she was known for
      propose(s) using 0.003 cfs or 0.45 ac-ft from groundwa-  hold their monthly meeting 3rd Friday of every month ex-  her green thumb), canning, but most of all making pre-
      ter (1/2 mile North of Spring City) for DOMESTIC.   cept December, July or August. The meeting will be held  cious and lasting memories with her family.
                       Kent L. Jones, P.E.                in the Library on the upper floor at 24 E. Main. The meet-  She is survived by her children, 19 grandchildren, 35
                       STATE ENGINEER                     ings will begin at 8:30 a.m.                         great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren. She
      Legal Notice 16227 Published in The  Pyramid on                         Jane Banks                       is also survived by two of her sisters, Uvada Bogart and
      November 2 & 9, 2017.                                                    Recorder                        Joan Richmond.
                                                                            Mt. Pleasant City                    Mary was preceded in death by one grandson, Justin
                                                          Published in The Pyramid November 2, 2017.           Clark; a brother, seven sisters, and all of her step-sib-
                                                                                                                 Funeral services were held Oct. 27 in the Sanpitch
                                                                                                               LDS Ward.
                                                                                                                 Interment was in the Wales Cemetery.
      Butch Cassidy: Outlaw

      for the people?                                     Home cleaning do’s, don’ts

       Editor’s note: Welcome  He bristled at large cattle op-  (StatePoint) Now and then,  how much time there is going  While not going anywhere  taining motivation is key, and
      to the Beehive Archive, a  erations taking advantage of  every home gets to the point  to be. Then, prioritize. What  that day, one may as well en- it will become more di  cult
      bite-sized look at some of  tough times to force small  at which a quick tidy-up here  projects need the most atten- joy it.       with every minute a person
      the most pivotal and pecu- ranchers out of business.  and there just isn’t cutting  tion? What are the tasks that   • Use the right product  stops to relax.
      liar events in Utah history.   He  once  said  of  his  work  it anymore. When looking  need to be tackled to get that  for the job. Armed with the   • Distract oneself. Plan
      With all of the history and  that, “The best way to hurt  around a person may, notice  project done?     proper cleaning tools, chores  scheduled breaks but avoid
      none of the dust, the Bee- them is through their pock- all of the surfaces that have   Make a checklist and stick  get done faster. Choose prod- other temptations. If the
      hive Archive is a fun way  etbook… I steal their money  gone untouched for far too  to it. The more organized and  ucts that do the hard work.  phone is the root of most of
      to catch up on Utah’s past.  just to hear them holler. Then  long, then sigh as they pick  detailed when going into it,  For example, using Mean  those unwanted breaks, leave
      Beehive Archive is a pro- I pass it out among those who  a day dedicated to cleaning  the less distracted a person  Green, a cleaner that’s both  it in another room.
      duction of Utah Human- really need it.”             from top to bottom.        will become. Plus, there is the  all-purpose and heavy duty.  While some enjoy the tele-
      ities.                      Cassidy and his Wild Bunch   Lifestyle and parenting  benefi t from the confi dence   Mean Green is one prod- vision for background noise,
       As Americans, we extol the  gang held up banks and trains  blogger Ari Adams of Love,  boost that is received when  uct  that  can  be  used  on  all  others may fi nd themselves
      value of an “honest living,”  to help farmers who couldn’t  Peace and Tiny Feet is shar- putting a big check across an  kinds of messes, whether it’s  getting pulled in for a binge
      but what about work that is  pay their bills. He became a  ing some of her top rules to  item on the to-do list.  a sticky spill in the micro- session. If that’s a problem,
      less than honest? Butch Cas- folk hero known for putting  follow to keep both a clean   • Get comfortable. Choose  wave or mold on the patio  leave the television o .
      sidy was a Utah boy with a  his stolen money to good use  house and personal sanity.  an outfi t that is comfortable  furniture.      Learn more about products
      penchant for wild living who  and his popularity enabled        Do             and functional for a day of          Don’t          that can help a person power
      paid his way using any means  him to evade law enforcement   • Make a plan. Clear the  hard work. Put on some fa-  • Take unnecessary breaks.  through those chores by vis-
      necessary.                with the help of locals.  schedule and know exactly  vorite music and get settled.  Stick to the schedule. Main- iting
       While considered unsa-     Cassidy was notoriously
      vory, many Americans actu- friendly, but robbing was
      ally make their living through  his business, and he took his
      less-than-legal means. Butch  trade seriously. Despite his
      Cassidy is perhaps Utah’s  generosity, his Robin Hood                                      |   48 West 1500 North, Nephi, UT 84648   |   435-623-3200
      most notorious – and beloved  image is tarnished.                                                                                            We accept all
      – outlaw, whose romantic    In 1897, Cassidy robbed the                                   NEPHI MEDICAL CLINIC                              major insurances
      reputation as a “Robin Hood  Pleasant Valley Coal Com-                                    Healthcare Providers
      of the West” complicates our  pany payroll at Castle Gate,
      ideas about the value of an  essentially stealing from the
      “honest living.”          pockets of working-class
       Cassidy grew up working on  miners. Later that year, the
      ranches around his hometown  Wild Bunch robbed a vegeta-
      of Circleville, Utah. When  ble peddler near Huntington
      his father lost their property,  — hardly a wealthy cattle or                             Richard Anderson, M.D.  Bevan Bastian, M.D.  James Besendorfer, M.D.  Gordon Duval, D.O.  Joel E. Holman, M.D.
      Cassidy turned to cattle rus- railroad baron.           Providing sensitive, compassionate health   General Surgery  435-623-3165  Family Medicine  435-623-3246  Orthopedic Surgeon
      tling and minor run-ins with   So,  was  Butch  Cassidy   care of the highest quality to our patients,
      the law. But his fi rst big bank  truly an outlaw for the peo-  their families, and friends:
      robbery in Telluride in 1889  ple?  Whatever  the  answer,   • Cardiopulmonary  • AirMed
                                                               • Diagnostic Imaging
                                                                            • Occupational Therapy
      set  him  fi rmly  on  the Out- it’s clear that the Robin Hood   • Emergency Room  • Physical Therapy
      law Trail, a scattered route  stories that make up his leg-  • Medical Laboratory  • Surgical Services
      of hideouts and ranches that  end do show that robbing   • Labor & Delivery  • Medical Clinic
      o ered jobs to bandits on the  trains and banks to help the                                Marc Jones, D.O.  Chris Karrasch, M.D.  Emily S. Poff, M.D.  Grant Rasmussen, M.D.  James Rosenbeck, D.O.
                                                                                                                                         Family Medicine
                                                                                                                            Family Medicine
                                                                                                                                                      Family Medicine
                                                                                                               Orthopedic Surgeon
                                                                                                  Family Medicine
      run.                      small communities of Utah     To find out more call 435-623-3000  435-623-3216  435-623-3248  435-623-3211  435-623-3217  435-623-3223
       But Butch Cassidy wasn’t a  was valuable – and certainly
      criminal for the sake of crime.  memorable – work.
       Faxing service                       Printing
       available                 Fast, Reasonable Prices                                        John B. Sorensen, M.D.  Jason Standring, D.O.  Jerald Taylor, D.O.  Connie Vail, M.D.  Robertson Ward, M.D.
                                                                                                  General Surgery
                                                                                                                            Family Medicine
                                                                                                               Family Medicine
                                                                                                                                                       Family Medicine
       $1 per page to send                                                                        435-623-3233  435-623-3243  435-623-3205  435-623-3165  435-623-3238
       50¢ per page to receive                                   FOUNTAIN GREEN
                                                                  MEDICAL CLINIC                                                             INDIVIDUAL, MARRIAGE,
                                                                 Healthcare Providers           SPECIALTY CLINIC - VISITING SPECIALISTS      AND FAMILY COUNSELING
       Copies                                                                                     Curtis Thomas, Au D  Audiology  801-357-7499
       starting at                  thePyramid                                                    Marvin Allen, MD  Cardiology  801-812-4624
       5¢ - 8.5 x 11                         WeAreS                                    Gay Aagard, RN  Coumadin Clinic  435-623-3200
       7¢ - 8.5 x 14               86 West Main, Mt. Pleasant
       11¢ - 11 x 17                         435-462-2134                                         Chad Peterson, DO  Dermatology  801-794-1490
                                                                                                  Michael Eyre, DO  Dermatology  801-794-1490   Dwayne Horton, LMFT
                                                               Christie Mangelson, FNP  Mark Oveson, M.D.    Kirt Beus, MD  ENT  801-357-7499     435-623-3200
                                                                 Family Medicine  Family Medicine
                                                                 435-445-3301  435-623-3240       Scott Lohner, MD  Ophthalmology  801-374-1818  CVMC has a full time mental
             Watch for the Best of Sanpete                                                                                                   professionally trained in treating
                                                                                                                                               health specialist who is
          section coming November 15, 2017                           275 West 300 South,          John Dana, MD  Pain Management  801-235-PAIN (7246)  individuals, couples, and families
                                                                                                                                             affected by the difficulties and
                                                                                                  Jared Clegg, DPM
                in your Pyramid Shopper                             Fountain Green, UT 84632                                                   emotional states of life.
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