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2 THE PYRAMID Thursday, November 2, 2017
Separation anxiety may occur, what to do
RACHEL ALLEN With “normal” separation date the feelings although that ing to counseling and medical
LCSW anxiety there are several tech-
MT. PLEASANT — Sepa- niques:
ration anxiety is normal for - The attachment fi g-
small children and may occur ure needs to stay regulated.
at di erent times, and at dif- Sometimes it is the anxiety of When things
ferent ages. There is a di er- the attachment fi gure that can
ence between sporadic, more compound the issue.
“normal” separation anxiety, - Validating the child’s feel- get hairy
lasting a few days, and more ings and seeking to understand
severe diagnosable separation why they have concerns with
anxiety disorder, which can separation is important along
last for four weeks or more. with gently setting fi rm and It’s hard not to notice peo- pal” and wanting to enforce
Separation anxiety disorder consistent boundaries. ple’s hair (or lack thereof). my old dress and groom-
occurs when there is an exces- - If the child separates more This came to mind the other ing standards on a baseball
sive fear that harm will befall easily from one caretaker than night when I tuned into the player. It’s like that old nov-
their attachment person, ex- the other, then having that LISA F. YOUNG last few innings of one of the elty song titled, “Help! I’m
cessive fear of being alone, caretaker drop o the child Separation anxiety may occur at di erent times, and at World Series baseball games. Turning Into My Parents!”
nightmares about separation, at school or day care could be di erent ages. When the symptoms become pervasive and The LA Dodgers and the Oddly enough, the New
anxiety about sleeping, fear of benefi cial. a ect a person’s ability to do school and function overall, it Houston Astros are duking it York Yankees still have
being separated from the at- - Also practicing at home can become a diagnosable disorder, but there are techniques out this year. grooming standards. If you
tachment fi gure, and physical with transitional objects (ob- which may help. If you know who Justin want to wear the pin stripes
complaints when separation jects that can be taken from Turner is, you’ll have a clue of the Yankees, you have to
occurs, or even before separa- home to the stressful location) does not change the outcome, management for behavioral as to why hair was a notice- abide by the rules of the orga-
tion occurs. or relaxation techniques such I.E. “You really don’t want to health issues contact Linda able thing to me. Turner is nization. They call it an “ap-
When these symptoms be- as breathing or progressive go to school…. it is hard to do D. Phillips, Behavioral Health in the starting line-up for pearance policy.” No beards
come more pervasive and a ect muscle relaxation techniques things that make us scared.” Patient Liaison, Sanpete Valley the Dodgers and plays third are allowed and hair must
a child’s ability to do school and (such as making tightened fi sts - Practice di erent re- Hospital, via email to: linda. base. He has long, very red, be cut above the collar of the
function overall, it can become and then relaxing) can be help- laxation techniques such as or call (435) caveman hair and a wild, uniform.
a diagnosable disorder (3). ful also. breathing exercises. 851.5206. long, thick, spectacularly red George Steinbrenner,
Frequently separation anx- - When separation time - Find a heart rock together References and resources: beard. owner of the Yankees at the
iety develops after a distress- comes, low energy from the than can be put in their pocket (1) https://www.helpguide. I thought to myself, “Good time, started the policy in
ing event, especially the loss attachment fi gure and short so the child can slowly blow org/articles/anxiety/separa- Grief! – This guy looks like 1973. Supposedly, he looked
of a loved one, or a divorce (2). exchanges is optimal. their worries into it and “rub tion-anxiety-and-separa- he’s the king of the lepre- down at the players during
Some other causes may include - Generally having predict- out” of the rock positive feel- tion-anxiety-disorder.htm chauns going to war in a the national anthem and
change in environment or hav- ability in the child’s schedule ings, calmness, or safety. (2) Hurst, Nancy. https:// baseball uniform.” And then I some player’s hair was long
ing an over protective or anx- and having the child know Activities for teens: immediately thought, “Don’t enough that it was covering
ious parent (1). ahead of time the separation - It is especially import- dia/separation-anxiety-dis- be judgmental” And, then I their uniform numbers.
In more severe cases, sepa- plan is best. Having the child ant to understand why they order-dsm--5-309.21-(f93.0 thought, “Whether I’m judg- Lou Piniella, a Yankee
ration anxiety is demonstrated have as much choice as possi- are hesitating about going to (See references for more re- ing him or not, he still looks player, challenged the hair
by signs that a child is experi- ble is also recommended. school. A recent local Sanpete sources and articles.) like a leprechaun.” rule during spring training
encing trauma, such as ex- Note: If more pervasive anx- County survey was conducted (3) American Psychiatric As- Seeing Turner’s hair and one year. He used the same
treme aggression or the child iety symptoms, such as fear of and youth reported feeling that sociation. (2013). Diagnostic beard made me feel con- debate point that some stu-
withdrawing. Other red fl ags losing a caretaker when sepa- their parents did not know that and statistical manual of men- fl icted. I have evolved into dents like to use at Richfi eld
for trauma exposure include rated, continues, then profes- they were struggling with dif- tal disorders (5th ed.). Arling- a semi-practical guy who is High. “Jesus had long hair;
obvious changes in eating, sional help may be needed. ferent issues. ton, VA: American Psychiatric mature enough now to eat why can’t I?”
sleeping and toileting. Activities for younger chil- - Create a safe place or per- Publishing. o the senior menu at any George Steinbrenner re-
These symptoms could be dren: son at the school. (4) Karst, Patrice. (2000). restaurant. (That’s just a sponded to his player by
explained by many factors, - Practice listening and re- - Spend quality time with The Invisible String. Ca- roundabout way of saying pointing to a nearby swim-
however if concerned, seek ally trying to understand why the youth at other times. marillo, CA: DeVorss & Com- that I’m old). ming pool, “If you can walk
professional help. the child has concerns. Vali- For local help in connect- pany, Publishers. I saw Justin Turner and felt on water, you can wear your
like that young multi-mil- hair any way you want.” I have
lionaire should shape up and to admit, George was quick on
look respectable. (I think he his feet with that one.
I think that the issue of
makes around $13 million a
What types of grocery shoppers are there? year) hair will always be with us.
Then I remembered how I suspect that in biblical
many years of my life have times Samson’s Mom and
been spent with somewhat Dad hassled him about his
LEANNE ELY zines. a healthy shopper, fi rst of all, squash; longish hair and a beard. I’m long hair. “But Dad, it gives
The Dinner Diva Then, there are the shoppers hats o to anyone considering 2 cups caulifl ower fl orets; sure that there were some me strength!” “Sure it does
FORT MILL, SC — There who spend a great deal of time the change. 2 cups broccoli fl orets; people who thought I should son… whatever. I guess if
are two types of grocery store in the freezer section, focusing Anybody should be proud of Sea salt and freshly ground shape up and look respect- growing your hair out is the
shoppers in the world. There are on convenience and price over themselves for wanting to buy black pepper to taste; able. worst thing you do, it’s okay.”
those who navigate the exterior nutrition. Those carts are full healthier foods for themselves 1 tablespoon chili powder; In high school, my friends I think every family has hair
of the market, list in hand, con- of packaged foods, “fat-free” and their family because they 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest; and I used to quote bible episodes and discussions.
fi dently reaching for fresh ripe this and “sugar-free” that . . . have recognized that conve- Directions: verses to school and church One year, my youngest son,
produce, organic meats, pro- foods full of GMOs and empty nience foods are not contrib- In a large frying pan over me- authorities in an attempt to looked like “Cousin It” from
biotic dairy items and other calories. uting to their well-being. dium heat, heat the coconut oil. get sympathy for letting our the Adam’s Family for his
healthy exotic ingredients. There might be some apples, If anyone wants to be the one To the pan, add the garlic, onion hair go over our ears and shirt school picture. It literally was
Those shoppers stand at the carrots or potatoes, but above making other shoppers envious and turkey. Cook for 10 min- collars. “… the Lord seeth not a sheepdog, hair in the eyes,
checkout, proud of the items that, these carts are generally of their cart, just go ahead and utes, breaking up turkey with as man seeth; for man looketh look. It’s a memorable picture
personally selected, while ig- sparse of produce. make the decision to cut out the a spoon. on the outward appearance, of him.
noring the strategically placed When convenience shoppers packages. To the turkey mixture, add but the Lord looketh on the A little later, his grandfa-
candy bars next to the maga- fi nd themselves behind healthy When a person commits to the remaining ingredients. heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) ther couldn’t hold back any
shoppers at the checkout, they preparing their family’s meals Cook for 15 minutes on low I was in high school in the longer and o ered him $100 if
may have shopping cart envy. from scratch, it is natural to heat, until the vegetable are late ‘60s when the “fl ower he would get his hair cut. He
The Pyramid Convenience shoppers might bulk up on fresh ingredients be- tender and the turkey is cooked power hippie movement” was cashed in on the o er and said
wish to know what half of those cause the cook will no longer be through. Serve warm.
in full swing. It seemed like that he was intending to get it
healthy items are and what to able to rely on those packaged, PS — Creating a healthy “everyone” in the country cut after Halloween anyway
86 West Main do with them if they had the processed foods. shopping list is sooooo easy was growing their hair out. (none of us knew that he had
Mt. Pleasant, UT 86447
courage to buy them. Here’s a great and healthy with DA Prime! Not only that, But the boys and girls at Rich- that plan).
An edition of Convenience shoppers may recipe anyone can create easily but users get the support of a fi eld High School had dress So I guess we’ll just keep on
The Daily Herald also be aware that their own just from shopping the exterior community that makes healthy and grooming standards. talking about hair for as long
Subscriptions and cart is being quietly judged by of the grocery store! Enjoy! cooking fun and delicious. It’s Principal Loosle was al- as we live. There are lots of
Delivery Service ....801-375-5103 the healthy shopper in line be- Turkey and Fall Vegetable hard to stay strong alone, so join ways on the prowl watching varieties of hair on Sanpeters.
News and hind them. Goulash the community at www.saving- for o enders. Boys were al- Styles and colors run from the
Advertising.............435-462-2134 Yes, there are generally two Serves 4; Prep time: 10 min- ways tucking their hair be- ridiculous to the sublime.
Fax..........................435-462-2459 types of shoppers, though they utes; Cook time: 25 minutes. Leanne Ely is a NYT best- hind their ears and tucking And which is ridiculous and
may be at various extremes of Ingredients: selling author and the creator their shirttails in when Mr. which is sublime is all a mat-
The Pyramid Daily Herald Edition (USPS this convenience vs. healthy 2 tablespoons coconut oil; of, Loosle approached. ter of personal perspective, I
365-580) a weekly newspaper published at spectrum. 1 clove garlic, minced; the original menu planning The principal would some- suppose.
86 West Main Street, Mt. Pleasant, Utah If anybody fi nds themselves 1 small onion, chopped; website, bringing families back times measure the hemlines I just might be a little jeal-
84647. Periodicals Postage Paid at Mt. su ering from cart envy and 1 pound ground turkey; to the dinner table for over 15 of skirts and dresses while ous of Justin Turner. It would
Pleasant, Utah 84647 and at additional are trying to get closer to being 1 cup chopped butternut years. girls knelt on the fl oor of the be fun to have fi ery, red hair
mailing o ces POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to the Pyramid, 86 West hallways. (I think if the dis- and be able to grow it out
Main Street, tance from fl oor to hemline on my head and face. But it
Mt. Pleasant, Utah 84647 Sanpete County booking report exceeded 4 inches, the girl would probably be more fun
Member: was sent home to change) to be able to play baseball the
Audit Bureau of Circulations So here I am now, almost way he does and collect that
NEWS feeling like I’m the “princi- big league paycheck.
MANTI — Activities on the David Alarcon, Spring City, Jamie Tasali Eva, West Jor-
We welcome news tips. Call Sanpete County booking re- was arrested in Ephraim by the dan, was arrested in Gunnison
435-462-2134 to report a port are as follows: Ephraim Police Department by the Sanpete County Sher-
news tip, or if you have a
comment or a question. We Oct. 25 on charges of DUI with priors, i ’s O ce on a South Salt Branden Nicholas Watts, lice Department on charges of
welcome letters to the editor. Kambri Nicole Evans, open container, alcohol re- Lake Justice Court Warrant. Cedar City, was arrested in criminal mischief and a Sixth
All letters must include Tooele, was arrested in stricted and interlock device. Released on own recogni- Utah County Jail by the San- District Court Warrant. Bail
author’s name (printed Ephraim by the Ephraim Po- Bail was set at $7,530. zance. pete County Sheri ’s O ce was set at $3,180.
AND signed) and a phone lice Department on charges Tolleron Michelle Boyd, Chad Leo Leifson, Fayette, on a Sanpete Justice Court Oct. 28
number. We reserve the right of possessions of marijuana, Dickinson, TX; was arrested was arrested in Utah County Warrant. Bail was set at $1,695. Joann Forsyth, Mt. Pleasant,
to edit letters for clarity,
punctuation, taste and drug paraphernalia and alco- in Gunnison by the Sanpete Jail by the Sanpete County Oct. 27 was arrested in Ephraim by the
length. Letters are welcome hol by underage person. Bail County Sheri ’s O ce on a Sheri ’s O ce on a Sanpete Delbert Howard Larsen, Ephraim Police Department on
on any topic. was set at $1,940. Third District Court Warrant. Justice Court Warrant. Bail was Ephraim, was arrested in the charge of theft. Bail was set
Oct. 26 No bail was set. set at $1,280. Ephraim by the Ephraim Po- at $680.