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Thursday, November 2, 2017 THE PYRAMID 3
North Sanpete Wrestling Team is holding a fundraiser and
looking for community help and support. Prizes include a half-
beef, two hog halves, Remington rifl e, Heritage pistol and a
hunting bow. For tickets contact any NSHS wrestler or Coach
Bryan Strain at North Sanpete High School (435) 462-2452.
NS wrestlers
Peterson ~ Holloway holding fundraiser
Wedding Hansen ~ Poulson
Wedding MT. PLEASANT — With the ington rifl e, a Heritage pistol,
Roger and Hollie Peterson announce the marriage of end of fall sports, winter events and a hunting bow.
their daughter, BrieAnn Peterson, to David Holloway, son are just around the corner and Ra e tickets can be pur-
of Darrell and Rebecca Holloway, Thursday, Oct. 26, NEPHI-- Lynn and Kris Hansen, Nephi, announce the to help defray some of the costs chased from any Hawk wres-
2017, in the Manti LDS Temple. marriage of their daughter Megan Hansen, to Justin that are incurred during the tler or by contacting Coach
A reception will be held Saturday Nov. 4, from 5:30- Poulson, son of Kevin and Rita Poulson, Moroni, Sat-
7:30 p.m., at 720 North 8 West, Mayfield Estates, in May- urday, Nov. 4, 2017, in the Manti LDS Temple. season, Coach Bryan Strain Strain at North Sanpete High
field. A reception will be held in their honor that evening and the wrestling team are School. Call (435) 462-2452.
In case of inclement weather the reception will be at from 6-8 p.m., in the Senior Citizen Center, Juab County holding a fundraiser and are The drawing will be held
the Mayfield LDS Ward, 15 East 100 North. Building, 160 North Main Street, Nephi. All friends and looking for the community to after the Red and White Duel
The bride served in the Washington Vancouver Span- family are invited to attend. help and support them. that will be held on Wednes-
ish Speaking LDS Mission and is enrolled at Brigham Grandparents of the bride are Mavis Hansen, Nephi; The North Sanpete Wrestling day, Nov. 22, at 8 p.m., in the
Young University. and Marie Larsen, Meridian, ID. Grandparents of the
The bridegroom serves in the Army 19th Special bridegroom are Steve and Marilyn Poulson, Moroni; and Team is selling ra e tickets for main gym at North Sanpete
Forces, and is enrolled at Utah Valley University. Both Lowell and Jeanne Anderson, Fairview. a drawing with some fabulous High School, 390 East 700
are studying to become physical therapists. If, in all our excitement, we missed anyone, we would prizes. Top prizes include half South, Mt. Pleasant. Public is
The couple will make their home in the Provo area. love to have you join in our celebration. a beef, two hog halves, a Rem- welcome to attend.
If by some oversight you did not receive an invitation,
please consider this as one.
Sanpete County Community calendar
Now –Nov. 17 nearts or call Contact Krista at 435-528-3955. 0422. Mt. Pleasant Residential, 125 Preparedness skills
Signups are now under- 435-283-7478. Disabled Veterans Mental health services South State Street, Room 2, at Community classes to pro-
way until Nov. 17, for the Jr. Nov. 10 Disabled American Veterans Sanpete Valley Hospital of- 5:30 to 7 p.m. mote the advancement of
Jazz boys’ and girls’ basket- 7:30 p.m., Horne School provides free van transporta- fers Mental Health Services for NAMI support skills, preparedness and resil-
ball leagues. The Jr. Jazz Divi- of Music presents “The Brit- tion to the George E. Wahlen individuals who are under or National Alliance on Mental ience, are being taught by Jim
sion includes fi rst and second ish are Coming” rock and roll Medical Center in Salt Lake City uninsured, including outpa- Illness (NAMI) Sanpete County Phillips in Spring City, spon-
grades, third and fourth grades, concert in the Jorgensen Con- for veterans with medical ap- tient counseling, medication is o ering a free family support sored by Spring City Citizen
and fi fth and sixth grades. The cert Hall, Eccles Center for the pointments from Richfi eld and assistance, and medication group. Monthly meetings will Corps (SCCC). Classes are
Jr. High Division includes sev- Performing Arts, 300 E. Cen- Sanpete County. For more in- management. Call Sanpete Val- be held on the fi rst and third held at Spring City Hall, 150 E.
enth and eighth grade boys and ter, Ephraim. Tickets online at formation, contact David Pow- ley Hospital at 435.462.2441 to Thursdays of each month from Center. Skills classes are held
seventh and eighth grade girls. nearts or call ell, 800-613-4012 ext. 2003. see if you qualify. 7 to 8:30 p.m., at the South every Thursday at 7 p.m. All
Each participant will receive a 435-283-7478. DUP MP Public Library Sanpete School District, 39 S. events are open to the public
reversible jersey, certifi cate of Nov. 11 Anyone interested in joining On-going programs include: Main St., Manti. For questions at no cost. Questions, call (435)
participation, Utah Jazz Game Veterans Day fl ag raising or visiting local camps of the 11:15 a.m., Wednesdays, Pre- about NAMI Sanpete County, 709-1474.
ticket, membership card, Utah ceremonies will be held at Daughters of Utah Pioneers schoolers and parents are en- call 435-851-0220. Resource clothing bank
Jazz player clinic and a Jazz 10:30 a.m., Fairview Cemetery; (DUP) is encouraged to contact couraged to attend Storytime. Narconon Persons needing clothing
team picture. To signup, come 11 a.m., Mt. Pleasant Ceme- any DUP member, visit www. Enjoy stories, songs, activities Narconon reminds families are welcome to browse what
to the Mt. Pleasant Recreation tery; and 11:30 a.m., Spring or contact Pat Olson and treats. Free! 1 p.m., each that abuse of heroin and opioid is available, free, on Wednes-
Center, Mt. Pleasant City Hall City Cemetery. Sponsored by at (435) 462-3134. Wednesday, home schoolers drugs has become a national days 4:30-6:30 p.m. Clothing
between the hours of 2-8 p.m.; VFW Post 9276 – Battery D, Emergency preparedness get together for books, art, ac- health crisis. Learn to recog- donations can be dropped o
or online at mtpleasantcity. Mt. Pleasant. 6:30 p.m., Emergency prepa- tivities, discussions and treats. nize the signs of drug abuse anytime at 35 N. 100 E., Manti.
com. Parents are also needed AA meetings ration classes will be held at the Free! 6:30 p.m., fourth Thurs- and the overdose reversing Money donations also wel-
for volunteer coaches. For cost Alcoholics Anonymous meet Spring City Hall the third Sun- day each month, stories. Kids drug known as Narcan so loved come. For info call Nancy (435)
or more information, call (435) every week at the following lo- day of each month. Classes will come with their families, in ones can get help. Visit http:// 851-0603; Darcie (435) 851-
462-3108. cations and times: Sundays, last approximately 90 minutes pajamas, if they like, and enjoy 1963; or Lisa (435) 314-9064.
Nov. 3 10 a.m., upstairs in Mt. Pleasant and are free of charge. For gen- stories, songs and a bedtime blog/how-a-simple-drug- Sanpete Pantry
Deadline to register for Recreation Center; 10 N. State, eral questions, call (435) 709- snack. 24 E. Main, Mt. Pleasant. can-save-lives-a-guide-to- Volunteers needed to help
Co-ed Volleyball League and Mt. Pleasant (also Wednes- 1474. NAMI connections narcan-and-the-opiate-epi- with cardboard recycling at the
Full Court Basketball League. days at 8 p.m. at this location); Employment workshops NAMI Connections Sup- demic.html. Narconon can help Sanpete Pantry, 1080 Black-
Co-ed Volleyball has 12 players Mondays, 8 p.m., Central Utah Department of Workforce port Group has begun holding a person take steps to overcome hawk Blvd, Mt. Pleasant. Call
per team; and Full Court Bas- Counseling Center, 390 W. 100 Services (DWS), Manti, is of- meetings on the fi rst and third addiction. For free screening or Sean at (435) 262-7841.
ketball has 10 players for team. N, Ephraim (also Thursdays at fering free resume writing and Monday of each month at the referral call (877) 841-5509. TOPS
For cost and more information, 8 p.m. at this location). Any- interview skills workshops.
call the Mt. Pleasant Recreation one interested in Alanon/Ala- Resume writing workshops are
Center at (435) 462-3108 or teen fellowship for those whose held every Tuesday, and inter-
(435) 469-1549. lives have been a ected by alco- view skills workshops are held
7:30 p.m., Founder’s Day holic behavior are encouraged on Wednesdays. Contact DWS
Concert featuring Snow College to contact Central Utah Coun- o ce for times at 835-0720.
Wind Symphony and choirs, seling Center, 390 W. 100 No., FG City Library ELE
Jazz Ensemble 1, Commercial Ephraim. Contact Sam at 262- Regular hours: Tuesdays
Music Ensemble, Trumpet 1188. 1-5 p.m.; Wednesdays and
Dan R. Simonsan R. Simons
Choir and guest artist James Bible Seekers Club Thursdays 1-7 p.m. 1:15 p.m.,
Naigus in the Jorgensen Con- 6:30 p.m., Wednesday Eve- Mondays, Story hour for ages D
cert Hall, Eccles Center for the ning Kid’s Club for ages 5-12. 4-12, 10:45 a.m., Wednesdays,
Performing Arts, 300 E. Cen- Hosted by Heritage Baptist Preschool story hour for ages
ter, Ephraim. Tickets online at Church. Games, activities, mu- 2-5, at Fountain Green City Mt. Pleasant Mayor nearts or call sic, snacks and Christ centered. Hall, 260 W. 100 N.
435-283-7478. Adults are welcome to stay and
Nov. 7 attend mid-week service while 22 Americans die each day • Will work on city infrastructure needs.
Municipal General Elections the kids are in club. 1045 Medi- waiting for organ transplants, • Will work on improving city credit rating.
end at 8 p.m. Cities in Sanpete cal Drive (across the parking lot most of them for kidneys. • Will work every day for residents of Mt. Pleasant.
County having elections have from Sanpete Valley Hospital), a 501 • Will work to make sure tax money is spent wisely.
had ballots mailed out for vot- Mt. Pleasant. Call 462-9319 for c3 nonprofi t organization, is
ing. Voters who have not re- details. helping to change that by link- I encourage everyone to get out and vote to
ceived a ballot should contact Blood pressure clinics ing organ donors with people in make a positive change in Mt. Pleasant.
the county clerk’s o ce (435) Free blood pressure clinics desperate need of kidneys and
835-2131, or stop by during sponsored by Gunnison Valley other transplants. And now,
business hours ASAP. Home Care are held monthly it’s not necessary to donate a
Nov. 8-11 at the following locations: kidney to save a life. Donors
7:30 p.m., Snow College Manti Senior Center the sec- can donate a boat, car or real
Theatre presents “The Rivals” ond Wednesday of every month estate, with 100 percent of the
directed by Andrew Nogasky from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. proceeds going to help save the
in the Eccles Center for the Gunnison Senior Center the lives of people needing organ
Performing Arts, 300 E. Cen- third Thursday of every month transplants. Visit matching-
ter, Ephraim. Tickets online at from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or call (800) 385-
(Ad paid for by Dan R. Simons)