Page 22 - 2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1
P. 22

First Aid

                                                                            Shopper 3
        1               Section/Location: EMT's                                                                                 Time: 12:30PM
        Ms. Shopper noticed two EMT's in the main area available for assistance.  They had a wheelchair that they were pushing in case of an emergency.

        2               Section/Location:  First Aid 224/225                            Staff  Name: Sherrie                    Time: 1:23PM
        No one else was in the First Aid area during my encounter.  When I entered the room, Sherrie greeted me and asked how she could help.  I told her that I needed a
        band-aid, to which she asked me why I needed it.  I told her that I had a blister.  She took down my name and wrote down my complaint in a log book.  I received
        the band-aid and put it on in front of her.
        3               Section/Location: First Aid 224/225                                                                     Time: 1:23PM
        It appears that there are a decent amount of First Aid stations, as the few that I glanced in were quiet and no one was waiting.  Great job of putting the first aid
        stations by guest service counters.  I noticed the flag hanging from the ceiling by section 224/225 but didn't notice the station.  I asked the guest service counter
        and they pointed me right across the aisle way.
                                                                            Shopper 4
        1               Section/Location: Pride Plaza                                                                           Time: 10:45AM
        At the entrance of Pride Plaza we saw 2 ambulances and 4 EMTs.
        2               Section/Location: First Aid 133                                 Staff  Name: Jeffrey                    Time: 11:20 AM
        I went into first aid with a headache. Jeffrey was funny and professional. He asked if I wanted Motrin or aspirin. He then asked me if I had  eaten anything? He took
        my name , handed me the Motrin and told me to grab a water and have a great day.
        3               Section/Location: First Aid 110                                 Staff  Name: Ruth                       Time: 1:45PM
        I went in to get a band aid. Ruth greeted us at the door and asked how she could help. She handed me a band aid and gave me one for the road. She was very

    Woodward Avenue Travel (for client use only)                             Page 41                          2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1 - First Aid
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