Page 20 - 2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1
P. 20

First Aid

                                                                                                                  This        2017       2016     Variance
                                                                                                                  Shop        Y-T-D      Final    to 2016

         23  Rate the First Aid staff friendliness, politeness & professionalism.                                 3.50        3.50      3.44       0.06

         24  Rate the nurse or doctor in handling your request properly?                                          3.25        3.25      3.59       (0.34)

         25  Rate the overall presence of EMT staff walking around in the stadium corridors?                      3.00        3.00      3.16       (0.16)

         26  Rate the organization of the First Aid Station. Was it clean and well-organized?                     3.25        3.25      3.48       (0.23)

         27  Did the nurse ask for your name and record it in a book?                                             3.00        3.00      3.56       (0.56)

         28  Rate the ease in locating the nearest First Aid Station.                                             3.00        3.00      3.05       (0.05)

         29  Rate your experience with the First Aid.                                                             3.25        3.25      3.05       0.20

                                                                                              Overall score      3.18        3.18       3.38      (0.15)

    Woodward Avenue Travel (for client use only)                             Page 39                          2017, SEPT 24 - LIONS VS FALCONS - SHOP 1 - First Aid
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